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what time is it?

4:21 am. great.

adjusting to a new time zone is going to suck, but on the bright side, it's my fucking birthday!

i turned around, and put my head in daniel's chest, hoping to find enough comfort to go back to sleep.

"hey babygirl, are you awake?" i hear him mumble.

"mhm. i hate time zones." i say back.

"happy birthday. you're officially a legal adult." hey says, rolling me over so that i am laying on top of him.

"i'm tired dani." i mumble, giving him a few kisses on his bare chest.

"want to go back to sleep?" he asked.

"no, i'm just tired because i just woke up. i probably can't go back to sleep." i tell him. "since i'm officially an adult, does that make me a grandma? because i feel old now."

"i don't think so. i don't consider myself a grandpa." he said. even though i can't see him, due to my head being cuddled up in his chest, i can still tell he is smiling widely.

"before you know it, i'm going to have grey hair." i complained.

"i think grey hair would be sexy on you babygirl." he said, lightly kissing my neck, which already has a few hickeys from him kissing my neck yesterday.

"i swear if you leave anymore hickeys, i'm gonna..." i stop, thinking of something i could do.

"do what?" he smirks, knowing i can't think of anything.

"give you a big hug." i smile. "just kidding. you get no kisses from me today."

"okay, i won't leave hickeys." he said, his lips moving away from my neck.

"noooo, i didn't say stop. i just didn't want any new hickeys." i groan. he continues to kiss my neck, but softly, making sure not to leave any marks.

"thank you dani."

"mhm. i am going to make sure you have the best birthday ever." he said, sounding very determined.

"you already have." i spoke softly, turning around and kissing his jaw.

"well, i'll make it better than it already has been."

"i don't think that's possible. this is already the best birthday gift i could ever have. being with you, alone, on my birthday, in paris. how can it get better than that?" i ask.

"because we're going to the eiffel tower later."

"really?" i said excitedly, wrapping my arms around daniel and kissing every inch of his face, except his lips.

"yep, and i think you missed a spot." he said, pointing to his lips.

"oops, i'll get that." i lean down, and kiss his soft lips passionately.

"i love you." he mumbled through the kiss.

"mhm." i mumble back, kissing down to his jaw, then kissing his neck roughly, making sure to leave hickeys, so i can have some payback.

he let out a few soft moans, as i trailed my lips all around his neck finding his sweet spot.

"be as loud as you want baby, these are soundproof wall." i whispered in a sexy manner.

he nodded as i continued to kiss down his neck and onto his collar bone, making sure to leave hickeys there, too. 

i start moving my lips down to his chest, the to his abs. i kiss each ab separately, and though i wanted to go even farther down, i didn't really want to do that at 5:00 in the morning.

i start kissing back up his chest, to his neck, then back to his lips.

"i love you so much dani." i whisper through our kiss.

"i love you so much more." he whispered back.

"that's not even remotely possible."


i open my eyes to see daniel playing with my hair, and i look at the clock: it's now 10:00. i must have fallen back asleep earlier.

"ready to go to the eiffel tower?" he asks eagerly.

"mhm." i say, still kind of tired.

"let's go get dressed." he said, getting up from the bed.

"carry me dani, my legs are tired." i tell him, my voice groggy.

"anything for you babygirl." he answered, picking me up from the bed and carrying me bridal style towards our suitcases.

"you can go pick your outfit out, i'm going to go get dressed." he said, walking back to the bed, where one of his outfits was laid out.

i just pick a red and white striped crop too and some jean shorts, and get changed.

"i'm going to go do my hair. do you need the bathroom before i go hog it?" i ask him.

"no, i went earlier while you were still sleeping." he responds, putting gel into his hair in the mirror by the bed.

"okay, it won't take me long. i just need to straighten it, then we can go." i inform him, walking into the bathroom and plugging in the flat iron.

i wait for a few minutes to let it heat up, then start straightening my hair. i'm finished in four minutes.

"ready to go?" i call from the bathroom.

"more ready than i'll ever be." he said, walking up behind me and grabbing my waist.

"cmon, let's not waist time. i want to hurry there!" i said, taking daniel's hands off my my waist and heading towards the hotel door.

he quickly catches up, and opens the door.

"m'lady." he said, holding the door open for you.

"thank you kind sir." i smile.

he walks down the hallway, and we make our way outside.

this is going to be a great day.

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