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i stepped off of the plane and breathed in the fresh la air.

oh how i've missed california.

i grabbed my bags and looked around for zach, since he was going to be picking me up from the airport to surprise daniel and the other boys.

i looked around and i finally spotted zach, but instead of having a smile on his face, he looked more sympathetic, like he was sorry for me.

"what's wrong zach?" i asked him, as pulled him into a small hug.

"it's just... it's probably not the best time for you to be going back to our house." he sighed, looking down at his shoes.

"is it something to do with daniel?" i asked.

he nodded his head.

"well if it has to do with daniel, i need to be there." i told him, panic in my voice.

"you really don't want to." he assured me.

"i really do."

"whatever you say." 

we walked slowly out to the car, and i could tell he was trying to stall.

"c'mom zach! tell me what is happening!" i demanded.

"it's not me who should tell you."

"then hurry your ass up so i can go see my boyfriend!"

he started to walk more swiftly, and one we reached the car, he hesitated to start it.

"hurry up!"

he turned on the car and we drove off.

"i'm just warning you, you're not going to like what you see when we get home." he warned me. 

"please tell me what's wrong."

"it's not me to tell you. you have to see what is happening for yourself." he said, sighing loudly.

i don't know what is happening. 

is daniel okay?

did he get hurt at that party?

is he injured?

did he injure somebody else?

i really don't know what is going down at that house right now, but if it involves the love of my life, i need to know soon.

"elaina, come on." 

i just realized that i have been drowning myself in my thoughts for almost ten minutes and we're already here.

"please don't go in there. i'm begging you."

"zach, he is my boyfriend. i need to know what is going to happen right now."

"it's for the best if you don't go in there." he said, trying to convince me to stay in the car.

"no, i'm going in there whether you like it or not. whether i like it or not. i need to see what is happening." i told him, unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out of zach's car.

"please, i am telling you this as a friend, please don't go inside." he begged, grabbing my arm.

i shook off his hand, "zach, stop. i'm going inside that house to see my boyfriend, and that is final."

he let go and looked down in regret.

"this is going to change your life for the worst." he muttered.

i didn't bother to ask him about it, and went inside to find the whole house quiet. 

there was no one on the couches or in the kitchen.

everything was quiet.

then i heard something. 

it almost sounded like a moan.

it was a female moan and it was coming from upstairs in the direction of daniel's room.

"what the fuck?" i muttered, slowly going up the stairs.

i looked back down and i saw zach standing there, shaking his head in disappointment.

what's going on?

as i went outside daniel's bedroom door, i could hear giggling and light moaning sounds coming from inside.

i braced myself for anything, and i opened the door.

there he was.

half naked and on top of another girl, who was also half naked.

"what the hell?!"

"babe, who's this?" the girl asked.


this cannot be happening.

he cheated on me.

"you wanna know who i am? i'm his ex-girlfriend!" i spat, the words like venom escaping my lips.

"no, please. i can explain." daniel said, getting up from the bed.

"no, you can't. goodbye daniel."

i took the promise ring off of my hand and set in on the dresser, then i rushed out the door and ordered zach to take me to ellery's house, and he did.

when we arrived, my face was covered in tears and i ran to the front door, not bothering to knock, and ran to her bedroom to find her watching netflix.

"elaina? what's wrong? aren't you supposed to me in paris?" she asked, engulfing me in a hug.

"d-daniel..." i couldn't get the rest of it out.

zach came in the bedroom and went over to him.

"what the hell did he do to her?" she demanded.

"he slept with another girl last night and they were about to do round two this morning." he whispered in her ear, though i could still hear it.

"they slept together last night?" i asked, my voice hoarse and angry.

zach nodded disappointingly, and i bursted into more tears.

"less than three months ago he was planning on proposing to me! now he goes and cheats on me?" 

at this point, both zach and ellery had come and wrapped their arms around me and we're trying their best to comfort me.

i've never felt so heartbroken and dead inside than i do at this very moment.

"i'm going to call brooklynn and have her come over here." ellery said, going over and exiting the room.

in the call i could hear one specific sentence.

"he cheated on her."

i'll never be the same again.

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