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wow. all i can say is wow.

paris is huge. this is one of the greatest places i have ever been.

me and daniel went to the eiffel tower, and it was absolutely incredible.

daniel has a fear of very tall heights that nobody knew about, not even keri or anna. it was actually kind of funny watching him look down from the very top of the tower, in total and utter fear. but being the nice girlfriend i am, i comforted him, and we went down a few minutes later after coming up. i didn't like seeing him in this state of fear and venerability.

after the eiffel tower, we went to a cute café, and had some croissants. i wanted to have the greatest french experience that i could. and i did.

daniel really did make sure i had the best birthday that i have ever had, and let me just say, i did.

after eating at that café, we decided to go back to the hotel room and hang out for the rest of the day.

he said he had two more birthday presents there, and it told him he shouldn't have bought me anything. he promised he spent absolutely zero money on them.

once returning to the hotel room, he told me to close my eyes.

"why do i have to close my eyes?" i whined, like a three year old that got its candy taken away.

"because babygirl, it wouldn't be such a good present if you had your eyes open." he told me, and i grumbled.

i closed my eyes, and i heard some shuffling around the other side of the room. let's just say, i'm not the most patient of people.

"okay elaina, you can open your eyes."  i did as i was told.

daniel was sitting there on one knee, holding a velvet box.

we're too young to get married.

we've been together less than two months.

this is absurd.

is he seriously proposing?

this is not like daniel, at all.

i obviously had a concerned and some-what frightened look on my face, and probably immediately knew what i was thinking.

"no, no, no. babygirl, i'm not proposing. hell, we're way to young for that. this is a promise ring. it's a promise that we will stay together as long as we both live. i love you more than anything in the world. fuck, i probably love you more than my own family. so, will you do me the honors of taking this ring, and promising that we will love each other forever?" he asked, the look of love and affection in his eyes, and he had a huge smile on his face.

"of course dani!" i said, my voice coming out so much higher and happier than i expected it to.

he laughed and put the right on my finger.

wait, how much money was this?

he said he didn't spend any money.

this looks so expensive.

there are actual fucking sapphires in this thing.

"dani, how much money was this?" i asked.

"none. my mom gave it to me, saying that when the time was right, to give it to you." he explained.

that relaxed me. it also kind of shocked me. did keri really give up this gorgeous ring, so i could have it? she is so kind, and that really warms my heart.

then i remembered, he said he had two gifts. what's the other one?

"hey dani, what's the other gift?" i asked, curiosity filled my voice.

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