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today is daniel and i's one month anniversary. he said he was taking me somewhere. i told him not to spend any money on me, and he said he didn't. i feel bad when he has to spend money on me.

when we go to paris for my birthday, i tried buying my own plane ticket, but he refused. i was literally putting in my credit card information in, when daniel barged and put the two plane tickets on the desk. i hate it when he spends money on me. it makes me feel like i'm taking advantage of him.

enough of that, i got daniel a notebook. each page has one reason why i love him. i found the notebook laying around in my house, so i didn't spend any money on the gift.

daniel told me to wear something casual, but make sure to wear shoes that you can hike in. i really wonder where he is takin us. 

right now, it's about 3:25 and daniel said he would pick me up at 3:30. i am snapped out of my thoughts when i hear the front door open and daniel is standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me.

"hey babygirl." he said.

"hey dani." i said, going up to him and giving him a peck on the lips.

"happy happy one month anniversary."

"i love you dani."

"i love you too, now let's get this show on the road. i want to get there before sunset." he cheered.

"where are we going, anyways?" i wondered.

"well, there is this beautiful cliff side, but you have to hike about a mile to get there, so that is why i wanted you to wear shoes that you could hike in." he explained.

"you're lucky i like hiking." i said.

he laughed, then we got into the car and drove to the place. i had a small backpack, which kept his gift safely inside.

once we arrived at the place, he lead me towards the trail, in which we would hike on.

luckily, i went hiking many times with my dad, so the hike was easy and we got there in less than an hour.

the view was breathtaking.

"you know, this is like my special spot that i come to when i need to clear my mind. i've never taken anyone here before." he said.

"not even anna?" i question.

"not even anna."

"well then, i feel very special." i say, giving him a short, but sweet kiss.

"i want to give you my present." i said, opening my backpack and taking out the gift that i have wrapped in wrapping paper.

"i thought you didn't want to spend money." he said, mocking the tone of my voice.

"i don't. this is totally money free. i made it from my heart." i said.

"okay..." he opened up the gift, and read the pages.

"aww, thank you baby. i love it. oh, and also, i like number 28, 'you make me food'." he laughed.

"what? i like my food." i defended myself.

"okay, open mine." he said, pulling out a velvet box.

i opened it, and there was a beautiful necklace inside.

"daniel! i told you not to spend money on me!" i whined.

"i didn't. let me explain: my great grandma gave this to me before she died, saying 'give this to the girl that you love, and that you want to spend the rest of your life with.' so i kept the necklace stowed away, until i met you. it was a necklace my great grandpa gave to my great grandma when they got married." he explained.

"aww, daniel. i love it so much. i will cherish this forever." i said, giving daniel a hug and leaning my head on his chest.

"put it on." he insisted.

i took the necklace out of the box, and put the necklace around my neck.

"i will never take this off." i promised. "it will be a symbol of our love."

"good, because i love you very much."

"i love you more."

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