Relationship Goals

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When they got off the elevator they were placed in the center of a city. It looked nothing like the human world. The sky was black and it was so humid they all began to sweat. Not to mention the smell on the streets was disgusting. They're were shops and what looked like a club's and restaurants everywhere. Also there were tons of creatures walking around. Things no one had ever seen before. Vampires, werewolves, goblins, ghosts, fairies, piles of goop, along with many many more. They all moved closer to eachother a little bit frightened.

"Welcome to real life monster town. Now we need to find someone we can trust. Because right now these people look sinister." Yoongi said examining the crowd.

"Why don't we find a celebrity, or perhaps someone from your family Yoongi."

"Shit if were looking up family why not go find Jungkooks parents."

"Sure it'll only take 4000 years." Namjoon and Yoongi began to argue meanwhile Jimin spotted a very attractive fairy. He tapped him on the shoulder. The young boy turned around, he had glitter for freckles and a nice smile.

"Hello, we are wondering if we can find someone who will help us." He motioned to his freinds and the young fairy raised an eyebrow.

"What is it you all need exactly?"

"We're looking for a Demon." Jimin said overly hopeful, the young fairy looked over at his wings and sighed.

"Okay, well you won't be finding one in the busiest city here. Your more likely to find one outside of this town. It's a sectioned off zone many demons, fallen angles, and a few religious creatures live there. I'll get a bus and take you. However I want something in return."

The group of creatures continued to argue as Jimin made a deal. "What would you like in return?"

"Your from the human realm right?"

"Yeah. We all are."

"Once you get what you've come here for I want to go, and I want to bring a plus one."

"I don't know. I'll have to ask the others. But I can promise you if you don't get to go I will at the very least come back and visit you."

"That's fair, your really kind for a nymph. By the way my name is Felix, Lee Felix."

"I'm Jimin, may I ask your age."

"In human years I'm only like 13, but down here I'm 23. The time zones are weird."

"Oh wow your really young, I'm 19 but here I guess I'm almost 30."

"Don't feel too old. People get up into the early millions around here so you and me are still really young. Now come on grab your freinds the bus stop will be open really soon."

Jimin turned to his freinds and yelled at them to shut them up. "Hey! Shut it let's go!"

They all stopped and looked confused staring at Jimin. "Go where?" Namjoon asked and Jimin smiled introducing the new freind he had made. About a hundread questions and a boarder line background check later they followed Felix onto the bus and through town.

They learned Felix's parents were half fairy half human and they were from Australia. So Felix spoke English perfectly, they also learned he really wanted to be an idol one day. That's when they all shared that they were idols and gave the young fairy much hope.

They finally made it to a town that looked even more eery then the one they had just left where most figures that roamed the streets wore all black.

"My home is right over here, my roommate is a Demon, he is really mean though."

"Why don't you live with the woodland creatures?" Yoongi asked and Felix shrugged.

"I was banned, my mom and dad left to the earth realm. So I got stuck down here. I applied to housing system at a local corpse factory. They placed me here. Also I'm more or less dating my roommate. I mean were not really a thing in public but he loves me behind closed doors."
They all looked at eachother feeling rather horrible for the younger, at his depressing story. When they finally arrived at a black house with gold dust paining the front door. "Looks cool dosent it, I added it. Well after I convinced Hyungjin to let me." He opened the door cautiously and took a deep breath motioning them into the house. "Babe I'm home."

He had walked out of the doorway into the hallway where another man came to meet him. He gave him a deep, and long kiss before pulling away. Revealing his face, he had black eyes and horns a long with overgrown nails with red nestled at the bottom, one hand clipped. He also had a black pointed tail that swayed back and forth. He smiled revealing sharp knines. Before going back in for another kiss wrapping his arms around the young fairies waist only to cup his ass. Felix cut the next kiss short his face heating up as he pushed his boyfriend away only to earn a whimper form him.

"Fee, did you get the slime?"

"Shh, hey. Um I did but we actually have guests."

His boyfriend went from the pouty puppy he had just been to one of emotionless straight guy. As he compleltey pushed Felix away from him to stare at the crowd of creatures.

"Who are they?"

Felix let out a sigh and motioned for everyone to follow him into the living room. They all sat down and introduced themselves.

"Well this is my boy-" Felix was elbowed in the ribs by the demon making his breath hitch before changing what he was going to say. "My roommate Hyungjin." Felix looked overly sad before a very pissed Yoongi stepped in.

"Do you always treat him like that? Look I don't care if your his roommate or a damn stranger. We all saw how you acted toward him in the doorway and the fact that your acting like 'this' now is really infuriating."

The black haired demon, snarled before turning his head and looking at Yoongi. "You have a Demon boyfriend?"

He caught Yoongi offgaurd. "Umm...what?"

"You have an incubus mark, same one Felix has. Except mines a diamond. Yours is a triangle. I can see it."

Yoongi let out a long sigh before explaining. "Look the kid who gave me this. I like him, I really like him. But I treated him like shit. Like your doing to Felix. Now I'm not sure he will ever be the same person because he's turing into a monster. The last thing I did was reject him. Right now I'm regretting it so much I want to drive a garlic covered steak through my own heart. So treat him with love before you regret it."

Everyone in the room was rather shocked and Hyungjin looked rather scared. He shook his head and turned to Felix holding his hand.

"I'm sorry, it's just down here interracial species like us are looked down on. I was just trying to save some pride for myself. You know for my dad, for Jeonjin. I'm sorry baby."

Felix saw a tear fall down his face as he felt one slip down his own. He nodded and hugged his boyfriend. "Its okay, I understand. I just thought you didn't love me anymore. You know because of everything."

The other shook his head and the two shared a short hug and kiss before he turned to the group of creatures. "Your not from here are you?"

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