Big Brother

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Jin had simulated that the first week seemed rather vigorous for people to endulge in. With the morning runs begining at five. To the late night trips for less than healthy food at a convenience store. It dissapointed him how distant he was in the eyes of the others who were already so close. Even his roommate Jhope seemed far away. He knew a good home cooked dinner would do some good for the five of them. So early in the evening he went and sought out special ingerdients for one of his mothers beloved dishes. He went into the dorm kitchen and began his work. About twenty minutes passed and  the water was boiled, all the vegetables and meat were cut, he was officially ready to start cooking. That's when Jungkook sauntered in holding his head and inhaling the inroxicating sent of meat.

"Hyung what's this?" He asked placing his hands behind his back while rocking on the balls of his feet. Jin gave a mere smile cutting up the potatoes before plcing them in the oven before laying a delicate arm around the younger who immediately leaned into his touch.

"Jungkook, I'm prepating dinner, there is no need to leave the dorm tonight. Would you be kind as to set out some plates and cups for everyone." He asked removing his arm from him and continuing to fry the meat. Jungkook nodded and did just as he was asked. Then he focused on  what all the members would wish to drink.

"What do you want to drink Jin hyung?" Jin glanced at him and then back to the pan.

"I bought some soda and sparkling water it's in the fridge. Pour me a glass of sparkling water please. Then go ask the others what they want." Jungkook completed his task noding and made his way to Jhopes room.

He let a soft knocked be placed on the doorway and the older groaned a response. He opened the door the rest of the way. Giving way to light filling the room revealing his hyung alseep in his bed, tired from being in the dance room for four hours prior. He opened his eyes slowly before grinning at Jungkook.

"Jungkookie, come here. I'm so cold." Jungkook went and stood next to his bed until his hyung pulled him in with him and wrapped his arms around him.  "Jungkook your so warm, stay put and cuddle with me until I fall asleep." For once Jungkooks head hurt and bit less as he nuzzled into Jhopes embrace breathing in his scent of dirt and sweat. They stayed like this in a sated state until he remembered what he had went to Hoseoks room for.

"Hyung, Jin is making dinner and he wants to know what you want to drink." He mumbled a response and Jungkook couldn't hear him. So he nudged him and asked him again.

"Water, just plain water. Now go. wake me up when foods ready." Jungkook felt empty when Jhope let go of him and turned over. But he left and within a few moments his migraine returned just as strong as before he let out a loud sigh and held his temple. Ventiring into Yoongis room. Who was also asleep when he slowly walked in and wasn't happy when he was awoken.

"What do you want?" He asked annoyance and bitter cold laced his voice. Jungkook was still shy towards him, to no ones suprise and after the exchange he wanted to just leave.

"Um... Jin hyung is making dinner and wants to know what you want to drink." Yoongi let a small unnoticed grin appear toward the irony of the situation only he knew.

"Nothing," he responded placing the covers back over his face. He knew would have to get up at nine like he did regularly, however he wasn't in the mood to leave the warm confines of this dark room just yet. Jungkook left swiftly closing the door. Before going to Namjoons who was wide awake reading a book. Jungkook didn't bother knocking and just walked right in. Namjoon glanced up from his book.

"Jin is making dinner for all of us, he would like to know what you'd like to drink." He smiled at Jungkook and put his book down.

"A glass of soda would be great. I'm happy to see you helping. I'll be down for dinner in a moment." He said watching Jungkook leave the room going back to the kitchen.  Before he himself walked to Yoongi's room.

"Hey sleepy bat, wake up." Yoongi turned over to look at him.


"It's almost eight thirty. Get up and come eat dinner." Yoongi glared at him and turned over.

"Human food makes me sick, plus i'm not thirsty." He stated burrowing further down into his blankets. Namjoon got on top of him and pulled the blanket off pinning the other to the mattress.

"That sucks, but your going to eat anyway. I'm not going to make Jin feel unappreciated just because your being a little shit. Jungkook is even being vocal today. But I bet you scared him off already. Now come eat before I drink your  blood." He gave an annoyed grin letting go of Yoongi and getting off the bed. Yoongi sighed and followed him down to the kitchen.

The boys were all seated in the living room while the meal was served.

"Ah, Jin where did you learn to cook like this. It's absolutely delicious." Namjoon said shoveling another pile of food into his mouth. Jin smiled and swallowed his bite before answering.

"My mother taught me. Her and my dad loved to cook. They taught me everything they know." Namjoon nodded, happy to bring back fond memories. He would be lying if he didn't have a soft spot for the older since he arrived.

"Well I'm happy that they did. It's wonderful, right Yoongi?" He said looking at Yoongi who was eating very quickly.

"Yep Jin it's great."

"Well you shouldn't just thank me Jungkook here helped." He said nudging the makane who was sitting quietly eating.

"Thank you both! The food is amazing and thank you Kookie for the extra ice in my cup." Jhope said winking at Jungkook who smiled shyly. 

"Cheers to that!" Namjoon said raising his cup of soda and the others did the same as they put them together, cheering.

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