Let's Bond

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Yoongi and Namjoon tried there best to avoid eachother after they met. That was until Namjoon saw what Yoongi was working on one particular evening.

"Is that a song?" Yoongi looked up at Namjoon, he looked completely human and it freaked Namjoon out a little bit.

"Yes, it's my song now shut up and let me work." He said returning his attention back the the computer screen.

"You know you don't have to hide your fangs and stuff, were the only ones here." Yoongi looked at Namjoon and rolled his eyes. Did this stupid wolf really think he'd be that vulnerable in front of him? He thought as he sent another glare toward the younger. 

"Well I was raised to hide my somewhat unsightly features, unlike you, I tend to only allow them to be shown when I'm hostile or hungry." He lied, looking back to the sound mix on the computer.

"Speaking of which," Namjoon said lifting up his sleeve. Clearing his throat, in an effort to be nice. "Is the noble vampire hungry."

"I can only take so much of your nasty dog blood. But thanks." Namjoon was slowly getting angrier at the other man as he bit down so his canine teeth would stay normal size, letting out a huff in the process.

"What my putrid wolf blood too good for a little rich vampire such as yourself? I bet your parents payed your way into this company. You've never had to work a day in your life huh?"

Yoongi's eyes turned red and he mumbled his next response. "You take that back right now."

"Or?" Namjoon said satisfied he'd obviously hit a nerve with the older. Yoongi got up from where he was sitting and grabbed Namjoon by the collar.

"Or I will tear you limb from limb and hunt down your pack and kill them." Namjoon snarled grabbing Yoongi's wrist. Twisting it back before shoving Yoongi to the floor. Pure rage passed through his body as he pounced on the vampire his claws passing across his chest leaving deep red gashes. Yoongi kicked Namjoons legs out from under him and bit his shoulder dragging his fangs across to make it bleed. Namjoon yelped and grabbed his shoulder before punching Yoongi. Who recoiled and kneed Namjoon in the stomach. 

"Besides it's not like your kind hasn't already done enough damage to my family." Namjoon managed to stagger out when he caught his breath.

Yoongi's face softened a bit as he clutched his bleeding chest. "What?"

"Your kind killed my dad and forced me out of my family and home. I was raised by a pack of alpha city wolves. Do you know how long it's been since I've seen my mother? My sister? I wouldn't be surprised if the the same vampires that killed my dad were apart of your clan." Namjoon snarled and stood up holding his shoulder his eyes a bright amber, his expression saddened.

Yoongi's eyes widened, he felt pity for the man standing in front of him. He had lost everything due to the selfishness of a vampire. Even if it hadn't of been him who did the deed Namjoon was wired to hate what ruined his life. That simply included all vampires.

"Namjoon I'm sorry." He said letting go of his chest and placing a bloody hand on his clean shoulder. looking him in the eye. His face was red and he looked ready to cry. "At least your parents didn't throw you out the minute they found out you wanted to be a musician." He said sitting down on the kitchen floor, Namjoon joined him and listened. "Your right, I'm from a wealthy family. Never really worked for anything, and yeah I was born a noble. But for the past few months I've had to start from scratch. Fend for myself, you had a pack to support you. I had stray cats and convenient store food to support me." Namjoon offered small reassuring smile, but felt something for the vampire.

"You can eat human food?" Yoongi shook his head.

"Well I thought I could. Turns out I was wrong. I threw it up after I ate a lot of it. I then proceeded to have horrible stomach problems, like if I had the flu. That's why I asked for your blood. Cats blood is very thin and gross. Plus I was starving, and on the verge of permanently scorching my skin. I can't be out in the sun too long." Namjoon nodded and asked to see Yoongi's project again. This time Yoongi handed him the laptop and together they finished the chorus to his song. The two finally had an understanding and for once in Namjoons life he didn't despise a vampire.

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