1 - what do i live for

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I wish i was like the rest, i wish i wasn't condemned to this sad unsightly existence. That was all that was going through my mind while i was being beat up in some alley way i don't know how i ended up in.

"you fucking piece of shit! Who do you think you are YOU KNOW THAT YOU'RE NOTHING!" screamed the man i did not know the name or face of. My vision was blurred so even if i wanted to report this to the police i wouldn't be able to identify him. Oh and also the fact that nobody would give a crap because I'm an omega. The lowest of the low the epitome of weak. There aren't any laws against doing this kind of stuff to people like me. If you looked down any dark place where nobody goes there's bound to be some sort of person bleeding to death unconscious or possibly crying. I used the term person loosely because were not even considered as much. You hardly ever see rape or kidnapping cases on the news because that shit only happens to omegas nobody wants to report about that let alone hear about it.

Oh he finished. Before walking away from me he happily spat on my face and walked away with his bloodied fists in his pockets. I tried to move my arm but it seems that it refused to listen just like everyone else I've ever come across. I used my right leg to turn my body so that i was now laying on my back. I took a big breathe of air as that was one of the only things my broke ass could afford along with my shitty apartment and barely enough food to live on. I took a few more breaths of air before now forcing my body to get up.


His curly locks fell beside his face as he used his elbow to help his aching body up. As he finally stood up he put his hood up and hands in his hoodie pockets and began to limp his way out of the alley way he was in to find out where exactly he was. He couldn't use his phone as it was broken due to falling on it a few moments earlier as that unknown man proceeded to beat him with his fists. He wiped some of the blood off his cheek and grabbed the corner of the wall to help him remain balanced. He looked around his surrounding to find that he wasn't that far from home.

"are you okay mr?" whispered a small voice. The curly haired boy looked down to see a little girl with big brown curious eyes which for some reason looked worried.

"I'm fine kid you've got more important things to be worrying about alright"

"You seem pretty important mr, you got blood comin outta your face!" She said pointing at his face while making an exaggerated shocked expression. He chuckled as he marvelled at her enthusiasm.

"AHA! i made you laugh! thats what i was planning to do all along fufufu" shes uttered with a triumphant grin.

The boy patted her head before saying

"so you did kid, well i gotta get going stay safe on your way home don't wanna end up like me do ya." he proceeded to walk away when he felt a small pull on his sleeve.

"your not going any where mr i better walk you home to make sure you stay safe," she said while winking at him and following him.

"you sure about this kid i don't live in the best part of town,"he said trying to scare her off but all she said to that was "that's why i am walking you home silly."


With that I kept walking I didn't say anything to protest after that I kind just let her follow along. Occasionally we would talk and laugh it was actually the most fun I'd had in a while. Eventually we reached my house I bid farewell to her to which she replied with a salute. As I was about to walk into my house I saw her pull out one of the latest iPhone's and call someone. I didn't think much of it since she looked pretty well off but what she was doing in my part of town I was curious about. I went to unlocked my door using the spare key hidden in the door frame because I'd lost my keys while getting chased earlier. As I was going to step into my run down living space a car pulled up and a guy with white hair stepped out, he walked to the side where the little girl was standing revealing the other side of his hair to be a darkish red. It seems as if she was getting scolded by this person and i didn't know whether to intervene or let it be. That's when she turned and pointed towards me. The other guy kinda looked at me with a wary expression and was walking up to me oh shit is he gonna beat me up man I know I am used to it but that doesn't mean I enjoy it. He looked at me clearly taller than me so I had to tilt my neck upward to look at him which hurt like a fucking bitch might add. I thought he was lifting his hand to hit me but to my relief he put it on my shoulder and looked at me with compassion in his eyes.

" I am terribly sorry did my cousin cause any trouble for you, more importantly are you alright?" was the first thing the that the boy with different coloured hair said to me.

{tododeku} what was my nameWhere stories live. Discover now