14 - to his house

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Deku's POV

So, shopping? That's fun right...truth be told i haven't been shopping in a hot minute so we'll have to see how this pans out i literally have no money so this should be fun i had like a twenty on me that i was planning on buying some shitty microwave meal with but since plans have changed we're not doing that anymore...thank fuck.
I looked over at Todoroki to see that he  had finally gotten up and instead of going to put his clothes on he went to slap my ass, so being the little prankster that I am, I slapped his back.

Todoroki looked at me stunned for a moment before smiling, he took a step closer and then smirked...
"That was a wonderful effort babe but if you really want to surprise me you've gotta do it like this," he said before using both of his hands the grab my ass and pull me against his body. Please imagine the intense blush on my face when he did that. I was trying to act cool you know but I guess that shit ain't happening. I hid my face in his chest while my arms were against my own chest, I looked down which wasn't the wisest of decisions since his monster of a willy was still hanging out.
"W..woah slow down there b..buckaroo,"
"Why," he said moving impossibly closer.
"W..we just tango'ed in that bed over there my asshole needs to breathe," I said finally starting to regain my composure.
"Hmm I supposed your right," he said with a smirk as he ran his hand up my back before kissing my cheek and going to put his clothes on. I turned away for a moment and took a lovely refreshing swig of air.
I decided to keep away from him for a little bit so hopefully his sex drive would falter a little.
"I'm going to get a glass of water!" I yelled semi loudly before galloping away to the kitchen and safely bowing out of that situation.
I waddled down to the kitchen because I wasn't lying when i said I wanted water, a bitch is thirsty. I went back to my room where I had left Todoroki to find he was completely ready and dressed.
"Don't worry my dick sat down let's go," for my own amusement I leaned town to his crotch before patting his dick and simply saying "good boy," before skipping down the stairs. I heard a drawn out sigh come from Todoroki before i heard footsteps follow me.

I opened the front door and waited for Todoroki before shutting and locking my door. I followed todoroki to his car before plopping myself into the passengers seat. He started the car and we were on our way, I'm not gonna lie, I'm shitting it to see what kind of palace a god like this guy lives in. He must use premium toilet paper to wipe that high class ass right? What is premium toilet paper you ask, lol I don't know I'm a peasant.

My thoughts trailed on for a while longer as I looked out the window, we were sat in what felt like comfortable silence.

Third person POV

They had pulled up to a red light, unbeknownst to Deku a hand had crept onto his thigh and grabbed it gently in a sort of endearing way. Deku noticed this immediately and felt heat quickly rise to his face as instead of looking down or at Todoroki he simply put his hand on Todoroki's and and smiled while occasionally rubbing his thumb against the back of his hand, they both smiled at the silent cute gesture which reminded them how much they enjoyed each others presence.

Deku's POV

I blinked and there we were, at his house, we got out of the car and only when i got out did i fathom the size and stature of his house. It was bloody huge...like another thing he owns. Moving on from my rather hilarious through i didn't realise that my mouth was left wide open.

"Do you want me to put something in that gaping hole?' he said referring to my mouth.

"Hmm i might take you up on that but fair warning, i bite," I smirked as my awe subsided as todoroki laughed. With that we made our way to his front door but before we even got to the door it swung open and barely a split second after a tiny human came running towards us.

"GREEN BOIIIII!" she said as her once open arms were now tightly clamped around my upper thighs. I stumbled a bit and found that we were both on the ground. The three of us laughed hysterically for a good two minutes.

"Nice to see you too squirt," I managed to blubber out after all of of our laughter had subsided. She promptly stood up and dusted herself off before proceeding to run back into the house.

"What are you doin' lyin' on the floor?" she said as if she wasn't the cause of floor fate.

"I don't know maybe I like the floor," I said now crossing my arms and refusing to get up off the floor. Todoroki chuckled as he strode over to me sexily..wha..why did I, gonna just brush that thought under the rug. My thoughts were getting the best of me as i began to cringe slightly, at this point Todoroki was now towering over my body that was stagnant on the floor. He leaned down and scooped my body up from the ground and simply walked towards his house.

"Nooooo the floor I loved him!" I sobbed as if i was in a telenovela where I had just been reunited with my long lost love and were now being separated once again by the world, in the case Todoroki was the world. I did kinda wanna stay on the floor outside his house, one because it was legitimately comfortable and two I'm kinda scared to see the inside of this gorgeous house.


I FEEL LIKE ALL OF THESE NOTES I'M ALWAYS APOLOGISING TO YOU GUYS I'M SORRY FOR GOING PAST THE 15th but...aside from that I hope you enjoyed this one there is another one coming legit in 2 minutes so stay tuned!!! I also was too tired to edit this sorry lol :p Love you guys ;)

Instagram: mr.aizawuhh

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