10 - did we just?..am I..

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Deku's POV

Mmm..it's warm and my neck hurts. Wow those are two completely random things to notice when waking up, I'm surprised I didn't notice this handsome man wrapped around me. HANDSOME MAN! There is a beautiful man in my bed absolutely naked...SO AM I!

I need to remember what happened last night, I wasn't drunk so the only other thing that could've lead to this is my heat, holy shit balls man. Wait haha maybe this is all just a misunderstanding maybe we just fell asleep like this and didn't anything I said trying to reassure myself but failing after rolling over the tiniest bit to feel a sharp pain in my hip. So I just got fucked by Todoroki Shoto...SCORE! I mean this is a problem isn't it.

I mean logically thinking about it I could be pregnant, I AM NOT READY FOR A CHILD MAN! I couldn't see any sign of a condom anywhere so I assume it was unprotected. Due to my rather small stature which is a blessing and curse I wiggled out of his grasp without waking him and silently ran to the bathroom. I didn't know that was possible until now so go me.

I had to grab on the rim of the sink to stabilise myself because like an idiot I forgot my hips were sore. I had no pregnancy tests on me because I've never had to use one so I'm going to have to buy one goddammit. I took a piss and brushed my teeth and all that jazz before tiptoeing back to my room to throw on a hoodie and jeans so I could go to the store. I had to open the draw of my bedside table to get my hoodie so with great precision and stealth I quietly opened it and grabbed my hoodie like the ninja broccoli I am and triumphantly wiggled into it. As I was about to walk away and get some jeans ice cream head decides to wake up. Woopity fuckin' do...

"Where are you going..." he said with the faintest little pout, oh my god fuck me again

"Cute..AH I mean convenience store...haha" I added some nervous laughter on the end by mistake which made him question me more.

"for what exactly," he said with a sceptical brow raised

"I..uhh ran out of milk," to distract him I kissed him on his cheek and smiled. "I..won't be long I promise,"

"Alright, why don't I come with,"he said about to get up no shit bad idea abort ice cream head, I had to think fast. (A/N at first I wrote fats instead of fast and I laughed..okay resume)

"N..no you can't because you are probably really tired.." shit lame excuse

"nonsense, I'm coming," yeah you did inside me bitch...anyway no I can't get rid of him so I'm just going to have to stealthily buy it just my luck man.


We just got to the store, there were more people than usual so I think it will be easier to lose Todoroki in a crowd. That would be if he wasn't glued to my side with his strong arm around me. How in the world am I going to do this man. We were in the dairy aisle I thought that the first step was to get as little physical contact as possible. I got super close to him and grab his hand off my waist and before he could say anything held his hand instead, don't get me wrong affectionate Todo could make me nut right here right now, but of course that is not what I am here to do. I'm here to find out if his nut made a kid inside me, which I am not ready for.

I side stepped slightly to the left and kept going into that direction, I felt him jolt and let go of my hand, I looked back at him to see someone had hit him with with their basket. Haha bitch this is the perfect time to slip away from him, I quickly trotted through the crowd until I couldn't be seen by him.

I slid into the health care section and browsed the the aisles which had different assortments of toothpastes moisturisers and other random luxuries. Ha there they are, pregnancy test, man the packaging is so stupid, its a woman crying with an omega symbol on her forehead with the the box saying 'find out in case its an omega'. Please tell me who in their right mind would want to buy shit decorated like this. Except of course stupid idiots like me who don't know if they have a FUCKING LIVING THING GROWING INSIDE THEM!

I grabbed the bloody stupid box and stormed over to the check out and slammed the box onto the conveyor belt. The female who was sat at the the till practically squealed in fear as a pissed off broccoli known as myself gave her something to do. She looked at me and arched an eyebrow almost as if she was judging me.

"The fuck you looking at bum bum head?" I said with my eye visibly twitching

"n..nothing sir that'll be 3.72 please," she said now refusing to make eye contact with me, great I've scared a teenager. (A/N I'm being bloody serious that's how expensive one of those fuckers are ya kidding me half the people purchasing them are sweating crying women after a crazy night)

"Listen sorry uhh.. Momo, the packaging of the pregnancy test irritated me, and this morning for me just hasn't been too good in general everything hurts man," I said practically pouring my heart out to a girl who probably does give twos shits.

"I..I get it when I was putting those on the shelves it annoyed me too, I didn't expect anyone to buy them," she said while sliding the glorified test into a bag for me. "Well here you go sir, I hope you're alright and get which ever out come you want out of this," she said it with a genuine smile which improved my mood.

"Thanks Momo, I hope so too," I waved at her before walking away.

As I was walking with my hands in my pocket with my head down I saw a very familiar pair of shoes speed towards me, oh right Todoroki.


WOW I AM SO DEEPLY SORRY IT BEEN SO MANY BLOODY YEARS I HOPE YOU ALL AREN'T DEAD. I'VE HAD SO MUCH GOING ON AND SUCH LITTLE TIME I AM SO SORRYYYYY! This chapter is shit but at least its a little something. Also I just want to say thanks for all the votes and comments they really do drive me to write this story and I don't even have a bloody licence. And another little thanks to the person who literally said to me whilst role playing that they liked this story and wanted to read more!!

INSTAGRAM: little.aizawa_

Thanks all of you, hopefully I'll be back in a week or two..maybe sooner ;)

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