2 - can you stitch my cuts

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Well fuck what am i supposed to say oh yeah just peachy i had her walk me home after i got beat up by some ass hole oh that blood on my face its nothing it actually jam. Is what i thought of saying but i didn't because i fear that if i was the slightest bit sarcastic he would punch me square in my already battered face.

"uh me well not really but its nothing I cant manage heh," i laughed nervously I while trying to maintain eye contact with this tower of a man.

"Nonsense we should really help I mean I'm sure you were actually the one looking after Ochako so its the least I could do," he whispered that last part so that the little girl who was apparently named Ochako wouldn't hear.

"YAY Shoto is gonna help you get better mr!" Ochako said while jumping up and down " well lets go then..," she said while grabbing my hand and this so called Shoto and walked into my house. I don't remember agreeing to this but I think I've learnt that I'm never going to win against this girl, I sighed and followed her into my trashy apartment.

" You guys can just sit there I'll go and get the first aid kit," I said trying to leave for a bit to wrap my head around my day so far and that would take a while.

" You're the injured one please sit down tell me where it is I will find it." he said with a reassuring smile, I felt safe around him... wait a diddly second I don't know this guy what on earth am I thinking geez I need to calm down. I lifted my hand to my face feeling my heat rise. he proceeded to walk past me when he looked at me and grabbed me by my shoulders.

"Oh my god you've gone red could you be getting a fever possibly this is a problem I should hurry and treat you before it gets worse," he said and then placed his forehead on mine in an attempt to check my temperature. That's when I smelt him, he was an alpha and holy lord Jesus I've never smelt a better alpha in my life. My legs felt like they would give out any second,I wanted him to take my right then and there. Ah shit compose yourself, I pushed him back rather suddenly but not too hard but he looked really shocked. Oh crap nice going idiot.

"oh u..um sorry its just if you get too close to me you might get sick," I think I saved myself gimme a home run baby. Ha I'm just laughing at my inaccurate sports reference while waiting for Shoto's reaction to my shitty excuse.

"Ah right well thanks for looking out for me but still take a seat I'll do the work," he said while turning away to the kitchen to try and find the first aid kit.

"o..okay thanks its in the cabinet above the microwave." I said while stumbling to the sofa near the TV. Shoto had finally left the room and I found that my heart was finally starting to calm down. "that was a damn close," I closed my eyes I said jokingly pretending to wipe sweat away from my forehead, I traced my fingers over where he had touched me and it was burning as if my body wanted to feel his touch again, I opened my eyes again to find Ochako sitting on the sofa adjacent to mine and she was grinning at me from ear to ear. She scurried from where she was sat so that she could sit next to me.

"you likeeee Shoto don't you, your red like a strawberry and its funny because your hair is green so you really look like a strawberry (A/N omg and with his freckles too I'm imagining him as a strawberry and its adorable and hilarious XD okay resume)

"what are you talking about child I so do not," i said feeling like a school girl who had developed a crush on a hot guy.

" ugh just admit it your not good at lying, I totally ship it!" she said with a mischievous glint in her eye. I wonder what that means. My thoughts were cut off by a certain red and white haired guy walking into the room with the first aid kit.

"Ship what Ochako, did you use your dads card to buy something again, I swear to god she does this all time last time it was a grappling hook because she saw it in a TV show."

"No no Shoto I was talking how I ship-" she was about to repeat what she said and I was not letting that happen no way! I hastily clasped my hand around her face and now I had to think of another god damn excuse man I'm making myself look like a right fool in front of this guy.

" oh I was just telling her about something I had shipped to me last week hehe," more nervous laughter forced it way out of my throat.

"Oh i see well why don't you come over here so i can clean your injuries." he said as calm as ever thank god. We sat down on the sofa that Ochako had gotten up off of before so she could sit with me. " This might sting a little please brace yourself," he said as if I was something that would break from a little disinfectant. He was being very gentle with me trying to hurt me and at one point I hissed from the pain and he cupped my cheek with his free hand.

"I'm sorry did that hurt I'm trying to be as gentle as possible," he said with the most care i have ever heard in someones voice.

"n..no I'm good I am grateful your doing this for me at all," I said trying to sooth his worried demeanour.

"Well anyway, do you live alone did you move away from your parents?" He said trying to make small talk to distract me while finishing up by bandaging the rest of my wounds.

"Oh my mother was killed by some random alpha when i was 15 and my father left when i was born because I was born an o..ol' mistake aha," I make light out of the situation and try not to reveal the fact that I was a meek worthless omega, what if when he found out he would think I was disgusting for some reason I could not bare the fact of not seeing him again even if its only once. My scent was probably masked by me being dirty from earlier.

"I'm so sorry um.. oh i can't believe i still haven't asked your name my full name is Todoroki Shoto." he sat their patiently waiting for me to reply but I don't think I remember my name


That is it for now kids! While writing this I had Philip Hamilton dying in my ear and I literally almost cried. Thanks for those two comments I got in the last chapter they drove my to write this one lol. It is literally 2:46am I am so damn pooped

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