Chatper 10: Fun Times At Grandma's

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I fainted from the shock of the news.



Fa l l in g

Faster and faster I'm falling into the abyss, but I can't seem to scream. What is this existence? Never moving forward. Never going back. Everyone always wonders what will bring about the downfall of humanity and I'll tell you; we will cause our own death. We will kill ourselves in the end. Whether it be with robots or overpopulation or pollution I do not yet know.

Close my eyes and pretend I'm in the past. Hear the sound of a siren and I'm sitting in my bedroom and it's seventh grade, fifth grade, third grade... That song? I'm a freshman again. I'm walking down the train tracks and this sense of adventure and rebellion overwhelms me. I let myself be a careless, reckless teen for once in my life. I let go of the anxiety and the fear and I'm f r e e.

I wander the cemetery and question how I'll join the people beneath my feet. How will my passing come about? Will cancer kill me? I wonder if I'll have been happy with my life. If I died tomorrow, would I be happy with my life? It's questions like these I shouldn't ask myself. Death scares me. The end scares me.

Don't you wish we could all escape like Colee?

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