Just Wrong.

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Briar walked the hallways....She was as silent as open grave. Her eyes watched the activity around her, she didn't mind the school (Maybe...It could've been a good idea) There's nothing wrong in learning. She herself would have loved to have gone to school, but such places hadn't even been thought of in her time. The old, or churches gathered their chosen few...Trained them only. That in a way could be thought of going to "school"....But, the masters and priests called it something different.

A place like that was beyond females.

To try and teach a female creature, was devil's work (A blight against nature) A female's mind was not designed to learn. To work, to serve....To bare offspring. What else could they possibly want? Priests and Masters were all in agreement. Women were to learn their place in life. Briar's life was dark, filled with danger. But....The best times had been had in the dead of night, by an open fire (Working her skill to defeat the wickedness around her)

Briar listened in on the classes....Some she liked, some she thought were wasteful. But her attention was on me, Ethan and Exie. She watched the practical classes....Her interest was drawn to some students (She felt their anger, they wanted to do real damage) They wanted this school to teach them things, witches should never know. Briar quietly laughed to her self.

They would all wet their underwear's if they actually had to kill! Briar had learned early, before she even understood "death". Before she even realised there was a balance, and levels of being. Death was a friend, it was forever around her.....People died every day. Because they wanted to, or by others (At first she thought, it was some how the person's choice. Why else would they let it happen) But, in time she learned the priests and masters were wrong. Every thing was wrong.

The Reaper called often. Briar once asked why?

The old woman that kept her....Laughed.

"Your just so stupid. Your female like me. We don't decide a thing! Your master chooses. Don't ask silly questions! A person dies because it pleases their master!.." Briar was beaten soundly.

Briar made a pledge to herself, and the mistreated - Sinner's would pay!

She grew to walk a tightrope....The justice of Nature, The Unholy. A wicked path was set.

The Bone Witch would allow the school. Later, changes would be made.....Briar would decide. She would also swiftly choose what happened to the students. They were all childish things in her thinking. Little beings, who would all be pushed to show their true worth. Maybe, she'd break them all!

The woman presently running the school, were going to pay a dear price for what they were doing (Briar's eyes, ears and heart didn't miss a beat to what Madeline and her friends were doing to myself, Ethan and Exie)

It burned her. She hadn't felt that feeling in a long time. She never cared for much, she protected whatever showed her complete allegiance (Gave her blood and their souls)....She would strike an agreement, want payment in full. If the fool got what they wanted, good. But, they would be her's either way.

(Briar viewed the mansion and staff differently) Pain and suffering, and openly giving - to her. They had made her intrigued. They had endeared themselves to her.

Briar opened her hands to them.

But, what she was made to witness, she felt like broken glass in her veins!

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