I Come.

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There was a small knock on the door, a few muffled words.   Then, a slightly louder knock.   The door-bell could have been used, even the large brass door-knocker....But, whoever it was behind the large wooden door (Waiting patiently on the front porch)     They wished to use their hand to make their presence known.

As far as I knew, we weren't expecting anyone.   I hadn't really seen much of anyone in the last few weeks (I knew deep down, it was probably really only days)    But, the mansion keeps to it's own "clock"....It's own theory of time.

Ethan made an odd growling noise, I shot a look at him..."Ethan!  No. Words. Use words...For the love of god.   Please don't say, you can't talk!.."      I wanted to focus on him, but people at the door (Shit happening only rooms away!)      I gripped his shoulders.

"Ethan. We're going to answer the door. Deal with whoever!   Get rid of them!     You. Help me. Don't go bananas.   This! Whatever's happened...Is Not Happening!   Got it?!   Say yes. Now!.."     I gave him a small shake.    Ethan pouted at me, frowned.

".....Y..Y..Yes..."         Black eyes swilled at me, I quietly shudder.   And cursed inside my head. Had he returned to what he once was? Or was he even worse. Growling wasn't him, or was it? I had got small groans, a word or two....Glassy dark eyes (But, they were alert and watching me) I tucked my arm into his..."Come, oh tall one. We answer, get rid of....Start sorting this crap out!.." Ethan nodded (That was a good sign. He's still listening)

Mr Reed and Jerry smiled brightly back at both of us. Mr Reed had his standard crisp suit and 1930's sharp-brined hat, Jerry was dressed in her usual office formal attire (Black jacket, pressed white shirt, and pressed tight skirt. How she walked in it, I could never work out)

"Ms Shadow!    I do hope we find you well. I have not been able to reach you for some time.   Not a "positive" thing.    May we enter?.."       Mr Reed smiled warmly again, Jerry had never stopped smiling.       Ethan kept frowning at them (He didn't know who they were, and they were trying to shake my hand. He gritted his teeth at them)

"Oh Mr Reed, Jerry!  Sorry!    Please come in!    I had no idea you did house visits.    And....I have been hard to reach!.."      That was no lie.    I moved Ethan away from the door (Glanced at him, whatever had allowed him some peace of mind had left him.  I was very much alone.    Not a thought I wanted to entertain)       Mr Reed and Jerry entered the mansion.

Jerry pulled out a pen and paper, started to write.  Mr Reed kept pulling my attention to him...Light polite conversation, flashed a folder at me.     Jerry was watching Ethan at one point, Ethan's hand kept moving towards her pen.    Jerry would grin at him, shake the pen at him (Mouthing the words "No."...Then she'd point to me)       Ethan glared at her.

At certain points, Mr Reed would gesture to Ethan (Ethan was becoming irritated by Jerry) I'd quickly apologise, grab his hands (Hold them in mine.  Ethan was acting like a badly behaved two year - That could kill)     Both Jerry and Mr Reed were being good about Ethan. I was quietly packing it!     One minute, I had a normal-ish fellow fighter....Now, split seconds later!

I had "Ethan" - From the very beginning!

(We'd still be able to "fight"....But, Ethan would be too easy to manipulate!)

"Ms Shadow, we don't wish to keep you. I know for a fact, you still have much to do! As I said before, I have been trying to keep solid contact. Moments where you could share your thoughts, let me know how you were going. My self, and the company I work for - Do not wish to interfere....Your answers for us will not come easily. And, once you come to your final decision, we can all move to the next step!..."

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