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Stella's hand rested on the door-handle. She paused, just stared at me a minute.

"I knew Madeline could be hand-full. Self-centred.....Desperate at times for the "Magic" touch. Definitely sniped away at you at every given chance..." Stella turned more to me, stopped a minute..."She could be a little bitch!.."

Stella then crossed her arms.

"..But. To take your magic. And "use" the necklace, your gran gave you! That was low. And, she's invited the three hags to the mansion! I thought, things were going well. My visit was meant to be surprise. Guess, we both "got" one!.." Stella shook her head. She got an even more pinched look to her lovely face, when I told her about Ethan and Exie. A few words that can't be print, were hissed under her breath.

(I lowered my eyes to the ground, what had happened to them...Should never have happened!)

We both stood silently a minute (We needed to to be on the other side of that door) None of this was making sense! And, Stella had more news.

"..You've come right in the middle of it. The worse part. The bit, where the best laid plans, good intentions.....They went well up shit creek! And...I can't help!.."

Stella's face went tight a minute. She wasn't going to mention it (Exie's death) or at least not here in the hallway (Anyone could hear us) But then she remembered who she had in her room. Possibly spirits as well. Our plans for a calm chat....Was just going to have to happen as soon as she could get me within her room.

"Trinity. I've encountered two spirits, found a dead-living guy. And....Something happened in the kitchen. That was beyond what is happening to this building. My Magic's strong, I'm a good witch. But....Trin. What happened in the kitchen below....Was seriously unnatural!.."

"..It's Madeline..." I nodded. I saw the stress in her face (She had a lot of questions. Her first few hours here were atrocious!) Then...A cold chill went down my back, not because of my cousin. The penny dropped....Madeline had done something, in the kitchen. And who had been in the kitchen!


I'd been hoping Madeline was feeling the full force of something that wasn't her's to have in the first place.     I'd seen the signs. But, as I stood in front of Stella, I realised what had been removed from me (And, had gone to a less in control person) Madeline may have just committed the thinkable. An unjust death. Briar would not forgive that, the mansion wouldn't forgive either. Madeline's friends had as good as lost her. The power, and the dark world, was going to come.

Hell was going to open up and claim her!

I held a small sympathetic thought for her (But, she was a greedy person)     If only she hadn't done what she did!     Stella moved closer to me.

"Let's look at the necklace..."     She turned me around..."Man!   Maddy and girls did a fine number there. Crap!.."     I turned back around.

"Let's go into your room. I can hear people heading this way.."      I grabbed her arm, we entered her room.     First face on me was a glaring Clark, then a stern Benton.   Geer grinned at me (But, quickly realised now was not a good time for smiles) Ethan shot his eyes right at me, climbed off the bed (Tripped over the chains. Was pulled back by both Clark and Benton)

He tried to push them away, he was frantic to get to me.    But, a sharp tug had him back beside Benton and Geer (Trapped on the floor, tightly restrained)      Clark stepped forward.   She gave me a polite smile.

"We are not stopping him.    I understand things are not in your control.   Nothing is in anyone's control.    We, the mansion, the servants....Even you.   Are at the mercy of the intruders.    No blame is pointed at anyone..."

Stella stepped forward..."Look.    Trinity was tricked...And..."

Clark held up a hand..."Thank you. Yes, we are well aware!    The "trick" is on us all!     And one of us has had to pay with her life!.."      Clark suddenly looked old.    That wasn't possibly, she had passed in her prime, twenty and five years (By her request)

I grasped (I'd already guessed, put the pieces in place)    But, to hear it from Clark. She had made me promise (Everyone had. Even the lawyer)     Tears fell down my cheeks, Stella wrapped an arm around me.    One stupid moment of wanting a genuine gesture from Madeline, had punished us all! Exie had been alone, defenceless. She had no way of protecting herself. I don't know if the mansion or if Briar had thought to step in.

(I know Briar would have been watching)

She watched it all unfold. Licking her lips, twitching her fingers. She was waiting.

Stella held me close, looked back to the others.

Clark stood quietly, looked at Benton (He gave her quick nod) Clark turned her attention back to Stella and I.

"Trinity. The worse has taken place. Let's set things right. You have a connection to The Bone Witch. We will use it, we will retrieve Exie...Give her a true burial. We will hunt them all down. Out they will go! The boy will rid you of that fowl necklace. By my word, I will have justice and peace back!..." Clark stood tall, back straight as a rod. Benton gave me a nod too.

Ethan had crawled over to me, grabbed my ankle....He slowly stood. The oddest thing, as he stood (He broke the chains, dropped them all to the floor) He turned to Clark and Benton ("Don't come close!") He removed Stella's hands/arms from me. Ethan took me by my shoulders...Grinned, then frowned. A finger hooked it's self under the chain around my neck (Ethan's other hand braced my neck)

He pulled qently at first, then pulled hard. My eyes widened, my breath was caught in my throat. I was scared, but that slowly turned to...He might actually be able to remove it. His eyes never left mine. Once the necklace snapped, it fell to the floor (Ethan stood on it, and crushed it till it was bits of metal and dust)

He pulled me into a hug, pain filled his arms. But, I felt a quiet joy and peace. I was alive/in his hold/he was never going to part with me.

I pulled back looked up at him. A collar?   What?! Why?!     

"Ethan...No!    Come here. Let's get that thing off you!.."     Ethan bent down, my hands flew to his neck...The collar was unlocked, unbuckled (Soundly dropped, kicked away)    I placed my hands on his shoulders, Ethan moved a hand to his neck (I cupped his cheek, Ethan tilted his head into my hand)

I had wanted to hold him for so long, to just touch him (I was forever being "called" away. Allowed to see/speak in passing....But, kept away.      As I watched in fleeting moments, the two them...Exie and Ethan, were falling further into a hell-like existence.

(I hadn't been training them quick enough!)

All three of us were being used.

Chrissy had been left with Exie. Ginger had been allowed near Ethan.  The two still believed in me, hoped I could find a way to stop everything that was going on.    I pulled Ethan into my arms again, hugged him tight.

(I could feel a hand lightly rubbing my back, Ethan kissed the top of my head, then buried his face into my neck)

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