...And, They Were All Gone.

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Clark stood tall, rifle firmly gripped, a look to Benton. He'd always had an "understanding" of her, a respect for Briar - The Bone Witch. He didn't have too...But, he bowed down to her first time through the front-door.   He had fitted himself right into the house without thought or question....You could say, he became a "piece of the furniture" within minutes. He lowered his eyes to both Clark and Briar - Always at the ready for any request.

Briar had commented on his loyalty. She greatly admired that in human folk...."He does as told...When, told. Keep him that way Clark. I am this house, I hold it's source. He acts in any way that is against my dwelling! Me! We snap him in half..." Briar grinned at Clark (Nodded) She, "The Bone Witch" had spoken! Clark gave a small nod back, eyes to the floor....But, slowly moving to a wall (Close to where Briar stood)

Clark would train Benton, watch out for him. Briar was like her mother. Hard, unreasonable....But, there was a method to her madness (Not often seen, or understood)     But, Briar would never be allowed to harm Benton in any way, Clark knew that to her very core.

"Benton.   We gather the others of our kind.  We keep them safe, put them where they can't be touched (Benton nodded) Queen Royal Scarlett is black-hearted.   Villagers cut and burned her for a good reason.  No way to go, very cruel.    But. I'm in two minds there, She could have been contained, maybe saved?....She should have been cast to the wild.   Nature could have dealt to her. A harsh way, but by far more reasonable..." Clark lightly laughed, despite her frown.

"...But. Here's the funny part.  The little devils of the forest, probably would have rallied around her!     She would have returned stronger, more revengeful.    She would have enslaved us all for years to come..."        Clark looked her rifle over, looked back at Benton.

"I agree there.    And....Her portrait should never been placed with the others..."      Benton rubbed his temple.     "We need Briar.    I can say with certainty, she will find Trinity, Ethan....She's going use them.    EB.  That young lady will either join the fates of the first two....Or...?..."          Benton shook his head, he couldn't allow his thoughts to even think what could come next.      Clark's eyes went wide.

She knew his mind well, she felt it too.  They weren't talking in "What if's".    It was "When it happens!".

Clark moved her rifle to a readied position..."We get the servants. We lock them away tight.   We go get whoever, we can find.    We save them....Or we shoot them dead..."     Clark moved close to Benton.    "Swear to me.   No matter if it is Bell, Geer, Ethan or Trinity.    If Scarlett has influenced them in any way!    We kill them cold dead. Promise Benton.   We will be the last to stand..."         Clark's face was tight, eyes bright....A look, that unnerved Benton a little.     But, he nodded.

(This moment, was a prime example of why the mansion always had to be a place of "quiet".     No visitors, no money-making projects, none of anything that would break the "peace" this building required. It had had it's noisy years, it's moments of dwellers - One family member, and the servants had been quite enough till my aunt died. Madeline and I were to stay, look....And, decided.    

We were to report back to Mr Reed.    I was to give my "answer".    Madeline was to get "annoyed" with the place.    Mr Reed was to have sorted her out, sent her on her way (With an inheritance. Of some kind.  I think, the last keeper of the mansion had put some cash aside, for just these kind of moments - "People, who needed to be paid-off!"       

I was to embrace my magic, find Exie. Love Ethan.     Mr Reed was going to tell me what I could do for them.    Give them a place in the world, some form of security.    A life.        It was all a simple plan.    But, you know the old saying : "Best laid plans, often change! ")

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