A Splash Of Water!

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(Sunday early in the morning) - Cont...

Bell and I took our postings within the streaming warm room.     We had a "view", but only fully of Geer.    Arms, legs....And loud "Aaaaahhh's!" Could be seen/heard from Ethan.    Water was sloshed about, moments of movement, then pained silence.     I was dying to move closer, but I kept back.   I had got myself into the room, but I shouldn't be interfering!

Bell handed me a towel, for when Geer gave us the signal.

"We try to do this at least once a week, once in a fortnight is the average.     We've had times, where it was once a month.    He doesn't smell, hardly ever unclean.     But, a wash of hands and face are not a good bathing.....Clark informed us it is to be done..."      Bell paused a minute...."She did bath him once. It went well.    All thought, Clark would do it every time....But, she told us all "No!".      We were refusing Ethan a service....We were to attend to him.    Trinity.   She looked deeply pained.  Like, this was something with Ethan, she had enjoyed doing with him.   I don't understand what went wrong.    He didn't yell and cry the way he does for Geer and I..."

Bell gave me a sad look.   She hated seeing other's distressed.

I frowned, glanced to the tub....There was more to Clark's moments with Ethan than she was letting on (She was hiding something)

"Ethan!   Behave!   Don't you dare splash me, I have to touch you!     Your acting foolish, I promised not to hurt.   You know I won't!.."      Geer was leaning forward, then jumping back.     Ethan was hitting the water, clutching at the towel/holding the side of the tub....Growling at Geer.      Eyes black, teeth being bared at the servant to the side of him.     Bell and I witnessed a massive wave of water leap from the tub, just missing Geer by mere inches.

Geer suddenly approach the tub, grabbed Ethan....Grabbed a corner of a towel draped around Ethan - And shoved his arm into the folds of it. Ethan felt the wet large towel go tightly around his shoulder and chest.     Ethan looked up at Geer, he was angry/then sad.    Clark would be called.     Ethan feared that, but wanted her to come.

(Clark had bathed him the first time ever.     She had leaned a stool to the side of the tub.    She had held each arm and hand. She had massaged his back and shoulders.     She had gently tended to his head.     She had told him, this was not her job...."Your very wicked!     So. Maybe this is my job, my punishment. For my wicked life that I have lead!.."

She cupped his face, gently poked his nose....Grinned at him.    Her eyes were full of a wild energy, sea-green and bright. Her hands were firm and strong, not at all soft - But smooth.   She had gently finger-combed the stubble on his head..."You barely have a hair on your head!    What is there to tidy.    You remind me of what I cared for.   I loved them so much.    And, I paid for it!     Yes, I did boy.   The humans nearly broke me!.."      Clark had a twisted look to her face.

"But, I fought them all (Clark shook her fist  high, to demonstrate to Ethan. Ethan's eyes went wide) I did it for who I loved.    I shouldn't be even touching you.  Your very cunning (Clark gave Ethan a hard frown) Stop it boy, or I will beat the very air you breath right out of you!.."     Clark didn't let go of Ethan, he leaned into her arms (Pulled her hands close)      He was her's.  He wanted to keep this moment, but he'd forget it (Then, rememberer something....Then, fear her)   But, he had her for now.

"....I think, we will conclude this bath-moment to an end! Ethan is seriously stressed, I'm wet! And, this room is starting to look very much like a lake of some kind! Bell, Trinity....Towels, please!.." Geer snapped his fingers. Bell and I stepped cautiously forward. Geer pulled out the plug, motioned for Ethan to sit straight.    He slowly did as told, the towels keeping him in place.    Geer unfolded corners, reached for dry towels - Dried Ethan.     

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