Opened A Door.

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"Benton. We have most out in the garden, those ones will be safe....I believe, they came from the better of the families..." Clark looked her rifle over, clicked the safety back in place...Eyes moved to Benton.

"You've saved their lives. They were strong, could've been an irritation to us....But, if Bell and Geer have fulfilled their part. They couldn't stay within these walls, they would have been dead where they stood.." Benton shook his head. "I have nothing against the living. They can go about their business, but we should have been allowed to have our peace!.."

Clark smiled at Benton, she could see his frustration, she lightly touched his arm.

"The "school" was a grand idea. This old house was one once. I was run off my feet, but I ran the place like clock-work. Right down to the last second.." She sighed.."But, it's haven. It has to stay that way..." Clark had a thoughtful look, then snapped back to her stern frown.

"Those that dwell here....They can't have the living. Trinity and Exie were going to be the keepers. The shield....We have to have. As you and I both know..." Clark braced her rifle back to its aimed position (Snapped the safety off) Benton nodded. Training was going to be given to us.....Benton had hoped to add Ethan. He would've made a commanding, but fearsome sight.


Bell pinned Geer to the wall. Her eyes watched the form gliding along the hallway, it was heading in no particular direction. It was "listening".....It smelled blood, it could hear noise/voices (But, the purest of them all were all outside) The form didn't care for the outdoors....Persons such as her self, were too royal for that!

(Plus, the last time she stepped a foot outside. Men grabbed her, dragged her to a wagon. The wagon took her to a mob of angry people....They had a tree, a rope. An extremely hot fire going.....And, things didn't go well! What was left of her, was placed in town squares, market places....Any place, stupid ignorant people could see!

She'd sworn revenge!

Briar had collected her body parts, washed them gently. The small girl buried them, would visit with flowers. She whispered to Briar, told her secrets. Briar was a dark soul like her)

"Creature! Two creatures! Stop staring, say your names!.."

Geer swallowed..."Geer, miss. And, this is Bell. We serve this place.." Geer couldn't stop shaking. Even in death, figures such as the one standing in front of them, still put the fear of god in him (He thought, only Clark and Benton still held that ability!)    But, Geer stood as tall as he could....Made sure he had a hand on Bell, and could still offer some safety by his touch.

Bell looked at the tall dark form, the woman's swirled around her in a clouded shadow of darkest, no particular detail could be seen....But, stains could be made out. The grand royal figure, had been a "someone".

Bell moved Geer's hand, she had been grateful for it....But, respect had to be shown. Geer tried to grab her back, he panicked. She curtsied, lowered herself down to her knees (Knelt) Placed her hands on the floor, lowered her eyes (Then, put her forehead to the floor) While in the hands of the church, the nuns had shown her what God expected.

The haunting figure, watched (Smallest of nods)

"Well done. As all creatures should.." Holes for eyes flicked on to Geer...."Do you know the ways? No. You die. But, you can't. But. I can still have you! Yes, I can..." A face of rot appeared before Geer. Geer tried not to gag. Bell scrambled to her feet.

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