Chapter 1 - Eric

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Eric winced as the paper scratched his skin. He put his hand to his lips, and felt the warm, metallic fluid drip into his mouth. It had been a long time since he had seen his own blood. The room was gloomy, and filled with the warmth of an open fire. Smoke danced through the room in delicate plumes before being drawn out the open window.

His eyes began to drop, and the ink on the paper refused to form words. The book grew heavy in his hands. He let it fall to the ground, and watched as lose pages were torn from within the covers. He rested his elbows on the desk, and rubbed his head. He was painfully aware of the ache brewing in his mind. His eyes fell on the treaty that rested on the desk. He wanted to burn it. To cast it into the fire, as it didn't mean anything anymore.

Eric slumped into his chair, and let the warmth of an open flame wash over him. It played on the senses, it lulled him towards sleep.

Just then door to his library opened, and Duke Edward entered. He was an aging man. His hair was grey, and his skin looked like worn leather under his heavy robe. He leaned on a wooden staff and let his gaze wander around the room. Eric's library was not small, but with the fireplace, desk and shelves of books, two people was enough to make it seem so.

"Sorry to disturb you, your grace." The Duke said as he bowed. "But your presence is requested at the festival."

"Of course it is." Eric chuckled. "It's my bloody party."

The Duke, sensing the lack of formality took a seat in the armchair across from his desk.

"Who sent the request?" Eric asked.

"Prince Lucas did." The Duke replied. "On behalf of Lord Thomas of House Edgar. I believe your father wishes you to meet Lord Edgar's daughter, Lady Thalia."

He wouldn't be the first. Eric thought silently.

"Why did he send you? Why not a squire, or a page?" He asked.

"To ensure obedience, I'd expect." The Duke said bluntly.

"And can you?" Eric replied. "Can you ensure obedience from me to my father's summons?"

Edward only shrugged. "It is of no concern to me."

The Duke reached down to pick up the book resting on the ground. After reading the cover and flicking through the pages, he asked.

"What is it you are doing up here that is so important that you miss your name-day festival?"

"I was researching." Eric sighed.


"I had an idea that maybe all the recent Dragon attacks could be traced back to Aranor the Great and the Treaty he signed."

"Come now." The Duke said, rising to his feet. "You don't believe that dragons are behind all this? The last one died well before even I was born."

"I've been around since well before you were born." Eric pointed out.

Edward looked amused. "Oh yes. I'd forgotten about your age. Its easy to forget when you keep such a youthful appearance."

He closed the book suddenly, and placed it on the desk.

"In any case, It doesn't take much for a commoner to shout 'Dragon', especially when their homes are on fire."

"Whether it be bandits or Dragons, something is attacking villages and sending refugees into the city." Eric said. "I've sent men to investigate, and until they return I will continue to conduct my own research into the possibility that it is indeed Dragons causing problems."

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