Chapter 18 - Eric

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Chapter 18

Eric leaned forward with his elbows resting on the table, and rubbed the spot between his eyes.

"Your Highness? Perhaps you should rest?" Aaron said as he poured another hot cup of tea. Eric shook his head.

"No. This needs to be done."

"Then let us do it, you are no help to anyone if you're asleep on the battle field."

"I said no. I'm fine."

A map of the city was sprawled over the table. He looked over to Cado, who had been promoted to captain. He looked uncertain as he rubbed his chin.

"I think it would be safer draw everyone out to the fields, and battle them there." He said. "Fighting in the streets will give them too many places to hide."

"But fighting in the fields leaves us with nowhere to hide." Eric said. "Dragon fire is not like normal fire. It will burn past any defences, magic or metal. If we fight in the fields, then we give them an easy victory. By fighting in the streets we have cover."

"But we can concentrate our fire if we have clear targets." Cado said.

"So can they." Eric countered.

"What do you think?" The captain asked, turning to the Knight-Marshal.

"By using the streets, we also have roof tops to act as firing platforms." He said. "I'm inclined to agree with the King."

The King. The title still made him feel a flurry of emotions whenever he heard it. Shame, pride, honour and dishonour, all fighting a separate war within him.

"Even that is too dangerous. The roof tops will leave troops exposed. Exposure will kill. Do not make the same mistake I did by underestimating the enemy."

"Understood, your Highness."

"We will use hit and run tactics with units of ten positioned at key locations throughout the city."

"Why hit and run?" Aaron asked.

"Because we will die if we stand and fight. We don't have the numbers, and we don't have the skill. But we do have the home ground advantage, which I plan on utilizing by using hit and run tactics with small units. Understood?"

"Yes sir." The men replied.

"Have the requests for aid been sent yet?" Eric asked, as he turned to a servant.

"The messengers have left, your Highness. The neighbouring cities should receive the letters within the week."

"That is too slow. If we haven't won by the end of tomorrow, then we will not win."

"Don't be so dramatic, we can do this."

Eric chuckled. "What is the status on the Evacuation?" He asked.

"My last report said around seven percent of the city has been cleared." The Knight-Marshal quietly.

"And how long ago was that?"

"About fifteen minutes."

Eric slapped his palm against the table, and flinched when a splinter bit into his skin. The effect was immediate, everyone in the room stopped what they were doing to turn and face him.

"Speed it up." He growled, biting on every word. "Seven percent isn't good enough."

"Your highness, we are trying." The Marshall whispered.

"Well try harder!" He shouted. "Tell the people if they don't leave immediately, they will die. Everyone who is not clear of these walls when the Dragon host attacks, will die."

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