Chapter 22 - Seth

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Chapter 22

Seth covered his eyes from the glare. The sun was so bright, it burned fiercely against the pale red sky. The air felt different here too. Soon he was feeling exhausted from the change in pressure. He lugged from the dusty red tree and started through the red desert. Crimson rocks crumbled under his feet, and turned into fine red sand, only to be carried away by the wind.
Something had changed; he didn't know what. He only felt a sense of urgency as he trundle through the sand. Was Eric in danger?

"This place doesn't feel right." Seth said quietly.

"I agree." Cub replied.

Everywhere he looked, Seth saw the ancient bones of a world forgotten. He could see through the moving sands, the trees and plants that once grew. His fingers traced over the delicate patterns from where water once flowed.
Tracks from an animal he had never seen before lay faint in the dust. Slowly, the winds had chipped away at the edges, and soon there would be nothing.

"What happened here?" Seth asked.

"War? Plague? Storm? It's impossible to know."

"For some reason this place makes me feel sad." Seth said quietly. "I feel like we're intruding on something very ancient."

He continued to walk through the desert. The glare from the light as it reflected from his pale white skin made him squint. His feet were beginning to burn on the hot sands.

"Cub." He asked. "We'll travel faster in your form. Are you ready to phase?"


The air around him began to shimmer, then suddenly the great, white and black beast that was Cub stood proud in the dunes. Cub ran. Faster than he had in a long time, his body was like a streamline arrow, gliding through the air. Soon Seth could sense people.

"There is a village. Humans. To your right."

As Cub crested the hill, the settlement spread out before them. It was only a small village, tucked away in the valley between two sand dunes. There were a few buildings, all made from clay and mud. They phased back, and Seth walked casually through the open gates. He pulled up his hood, to hide from the sun. People were watching him, they retreated into their homes.

"They're afraid of us." Cub said.

Seth said nothing as he approached a vender stall. The merchant looked like an honest enough man, with a clean shaven face and neatly trimmed hair. His clothes were clean, and his wares looked authentic.

"Can you help me?" He asked. "I'm trying to get to Earth, it's very urgent."

"Earth?" The man said. "Surface Earth or Kingdom Earth?"


"You don't want to go there right now. Dammed place is a war zone. I heard Wai was sacked, and Pa was under siege."

"By who?" Seth said, alarmed.

"You must be from a faraway place, outlander. It's the Dragons! They're trying to conquer the Kingdom."

"Has anyone died?"

"That generally happens during wars. I don't know anyone personally that may have passed, I've lived in the Martian Colonies my entire life."

"I must get to Earth. It is of huge importance."

"Even though the place is over run by deadly, evil Dragons?"

"Especially because of that."

"Well outlander." The man said. "You've just gotta head up to the top of Olympus Mons. That's quite the hike though, why don't you get some food and rest, and head off tomorrow? I'd be happy to lend you a place to stay."

"No thanks, I must get to Earth."

"Are you sure? It gets awfully cold at night, and the trip is pretty dangerous if you do it alone."

Seth started to laugh. "I'm never alone."

The man raised an eyebrow. The air around them began to shimmer, then Cub was standing on the street. The blood drained from the man's face, and he fell backwards into the dirt. Fear clean on his face. Seth reached out with his mind, and created a mental link to the man.

"Which way to Olympus Mons?" He asked.

"Three days to the east." The man stammered.

Cub sped off, and soon the village was far behind him. He felt the wind through his fur, and embraced the warm, happy feelings. They passed a small metal box with blinking lights and strange wheels. It beeped at him, then something clicked, and soon the metal box was far behind him too.

Looming in the distance, was the tallest mountain he had ever seen. Its base stretched on far into the horizon. It's slopes were shallow, so the peak must've been very far away.

"How fast do you think you can run up this?" Seth asked.

"Give me an hour."

Seth beamed amusement into the mental link they shared, and soon they were climbing the slopes of the mountain. True to his word, Cub was able to sprint up its sides in just over an hour, with his powerful limbs and streamline body easily speeding over the dirt. At the peak, lay the all too familiar silver and blue tree covered in red dust. Seth reached out and activated the runes, making the roots twist to form the shimmering grey void. Cub stepped through, and felt soil between his paws.

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