Chapter 29 - Seth

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 Chapter 29

"Are you alright?" Eric asked nervously. His golden eyes bore into his, there were speckles of green that he had not noticed before. He was concerned, he could tell by the way his brow furrowed, and how his chin jutted forward.

"Cub". He called silently. Every time he did, he waited nervously for an answer. An answer that would normally come within a heartbeat. But no answer came, and none would ever come again.

What had he done?

He looked to Eric. He looked much healthier in the sense that his skin had returned to a much more full colour. The blood under his nails had been washed out, and the broken skin had been mended. He no longer smelled bad, and the sick was cleaned from his clothes.

Seth felt uncomfortable under Eric's gaze. Although his eyes were significantly softer, they still showed but a fraction of the awesome power that was barely contained. He felt like a child, peering into the eyes of his mentor. They were filled with such knowledge and wisdom.

"I'm fine." He said, as he sat forward on the cold stone floor. He looked around, and was surprised to find that he was in a cave. Light poured in from an opening in the wall. The air was cold and thick with dust, and water dripped from the ceiling.

"If you don't mind me asking." Eric said. "What are you?"

Seth scratch his chin, trying to decipher the question. He quickly realized that he was probably the first Triton Eric had seen. Maybe even the first Triton to have set foot on Earth.

Only, he hadn't come alone.

"My name is Seth." He said. "I come from a little world called Triton."

"Triton?" He said. "That's a long way. What are you doing on Earth?"

"I've been looking for you."

Eric looked confused, then he laughed suddenly. Slapping his knee, he said.

"Friend, it was I who found you. Slumped against a tree, you were deathly still. I moved your body to this cave, where I've been trying to wake you."

Seth shrugged. He didn't know what to say. He was sure Cub would have some witty remark to make, and he sighed sadly when none came forth.

Eric stood to his feet, and peered from the entrance. He stood there a while, taking in the scene.

"So why were you looking for me?" He asked.

Seth took in a breath, this would be a long story.

"I come from a tribe of very spiritual people. We would openly worship the blue world that travelled across the sky, and made peace with our world's top predator. One day I woke from a vision I had in a dream. That dream told me that I must come to Earth, and find a man named Eric, you. No one from the tribe questioned my vision, as I said, we were very spiritual people. So within a week, I was off, traversing the system. Learning to swim, playing God and meeting lots of very interesting people, all just to find you."

"Playing god?" He asked.

Seth shrugged. "A species on Uranus thought I was a God, trapped in a mortal form."

"I bet that was fun."

"Not really." He said. "They tried to kill me."


The silence was awkward. Seth stood to his feet, and joined Eric by the cave mouth. They were positioned on a rise, overlooking a valley. A river flowed in the basin, a silver slit against the green canopy.

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