Chapter 17 - Eric

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Chapter 17

"What's going on? Where is the King?" Eric asked, dazed by the sudden flash of white light. It took only a moment before the shadows closed in again, but in that moment of brief illumination, he saw the cell he'd been living in. It was disgusting. Suddenly the lock clicked, and Aaron stood in the doorway.

"The time has come." He said quietly. "I'm busting you out."

"What about the King?"

"He left this morning with Demetrius and about a hundred Dragon Hunters. They're going to kill every Dragon they find."

"They're going to get themselves killed."

Aaron shrugged. "In any case, we must get you out of this prison cell. Your presence on the city council has been missed, and we have many important things to talk about."

"Let me just get my things." He said sarcastically, as he rose to his feet. He felt weak. Too weak. The ground felt strange, and he struggled to balance.

"How long have I been in here for?"

Aaron shrugged. "A few days, maybe a week?"

"It feels like much longer than that."

Aaron pointed to the runes carved into the cell stone. "They take away your magic, and sap away at your mind."

"I see." Eric said. "Let's go."

They left the cell, and began the agonizing climb up the many steps from the dungeons to the lower floors of the citadel. They passed a guard, asleep in the corner. Dribble was collecting on his uniform shirt.

"What needs discussing with the council?"

"Eric, my Prince. This may be hard for you to hear, but the people of this kingdom need a strong leader, now more than ever. And the King... He's not cutting it. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the fact that Harkus is now well into his last year of life, which after a thousand years of living, which is a pretty big deal. Or maybe it's the fact that he lost his first born son recently, and hasn't gotten over the loss. I don't know. But I do know that Harkus is not the leader he was. He needs to be relieved."

They reached the landing, and Eric turned on the old master wizard.

"Are you suggesting mutiny?" He asked.

Aaron quickly reached out, and covered Eric's mouth.

"Shh." He whispered angrily. "Say that a bit louder, I don't think the surface heard you."

He straightened out his robe, and continued to walk down the hall.

Eric followed.

"Not mutiny, as such. Just taking action. These are difficult times, and I know you don't think that King Harkus will be able to lead us through them."

"You speak of treason."

"Are you actually going to defend him? He's turned into a madman! He killed your best friend! When he comes back with his tail between his legs, how many people do you think he will condemn to die? How many people are going to end up like Edward, because you were to afraid to step up?"

Eric tried to speak, but was interrupted.

"Too many." Aaron said. "And all their deaths could have been preventable, by you."

"I'm not sure this is the best course of action, Aaron. Have you thought everything through?"

He nodded, and opened the doors to the throne room.

"It's too late now, let's commit some mutiny." He said.

The throne room was empty, except for the plump lord from House Kalt. He was a repulsive man, with crimson cheeks and oversized gut.

"Why is the Prince out of his cell?" He asked. "Arrest them."

Lord Tahn helped himself to another platter of food and wine, as the guards closed in around Eric and Aaron. Before he could ready himself, the guards all fell to the floor as Aaron snapped his fingers. They approached the Throne.

Lord Tehn began sweating nervously.

"Guards!" He called. "Guards, help me!"

No one came. Squirming and wriggling, he tried to stand up from his seat beside the Throne, but Eric and Aaron were already there.

"My Lord Tehn of house Kalt, it is with great regret that I am to relieve you of your duty."

"Under whose authority?" Tehn said.

"I am taking this Kingdom as my own by retiring Harkus from his political office. I am now King."

Tehn looked shocked.
"You can't just name yourself as King."

"I can and I have. You are my hostage which guaranties compliance. When Harkus returns, he will answer to me, he will bow to me."

"I won't. The King placed me in comand until his return. You will return to your cell."

Eric squated down and stared into the Lord's eyes. He reached out his hand, and Tehn nervously watched. His fingers touched the Lord's skin, and instantly he was knocked unconsious. Eric threw his body onto the floor, much to the amusement of Aaron.

He sat on the throne, and it felt strange. He knew that one day he would be sitting here, his whole life had lead up to this moment. But he never thought he would be sitting on the throne by acts of treason and mutiny. It felt strange.

Aaron quickly came to his feet and bowed before him, along with the newly awakened guards.

"This has happened much more smoothly than I could have wished for. Excellent."

A messenger rushed in carrying a slip of paper. He looked, confused, between Tehn and Eric before giving a bow to Eric.

"What is it?"

"A message from the governor of Wai."

The messenger gave Eric a small slip of paper before bowing and rushing from the hall. The unbroken seal was marked by the little penguin insignia of House Trela. He recognized it because Edward once had a similar insignia when he first began working in the citadel.

His eyes widened as he read the letter.

"What is it?" Aaron asked.

"It's the Dragons." He said. "They've attacked Wai, and won."


"They're on their way here." He said quietly.

A disturbing silence fell upon the throne room, only to be disturbed by the snores from the fallen Lord. Eric signalled for him to be removed, and a pair of guards came rushing forward.

He stood from his throne and wandered to the large open balcony that gave the best view of the city, and the forest isles beyond.

"Does it say anything about Edward?" Aaron asked nervously.

Eric scanned through the note again, then shook his head. Aaron came to stand beside him.

"You should consider the possibility that house Trela are planning some sort of vengance for the death of Edward." Aaron whispered. "That this could all be a ruse."

"It's not a ruse." Eric said.

"How can you be sure?" Aaron persisted.

"It will be much harder to commit vengeance on me when all my forces are alert and in defensive positions."

"Depends on what kind of vengance they're planning."

Eric shook his head. "In any any case, we can't take the risk. I need you to assemble a war counsel, and start the evacuation of the city."

"Of course, your Highness." Aaron said. He bowed and quickly left him to his thoughts. He continued to watch the city below from the balcony, taking in the sights, the smells. He sighed deeply and rubbed his eyes, before heading over to his quarters to find fresh clothes.

"So it begins." He muttered.

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