Chapter 23 - Eric

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 Chapter 23

Eric's eyes flashed open. His body was drenched in sweat, and he panicked as nothing around him was familiar. He was tied to a bed, resting in a room made from stone. Green and purple algae grew with white lichen all over the rocky walls. Mushrooms grew on ledges, casting soft blue light.
He closed his eyes, and heard the slow trickle of water as it dripped from the ceiling. The cold air smelled musky and damp.
Footsteps approached. He reached for the coarse fabric sheets, seeking shelter from the dark. Orange light came pouring into the room from a burning lantern. It was carried by a hooded man wearing simple clothes, he could not see his face.
The man sat at the foot of his bed, and set the lantern on the table.

"So the King has finally woken." He said.
That voice.

"Sorry?" He said. "Do I know you?"
The man chuckled.

"Forgive me, where are my manners?"

He pulled back his hood, and his battered face cracked a smile. It was Aaron.

"Aaron?" Eric said, startled. "What are you doing here? What am I doing here?" He paused. "Where is here?"

"This place is known simply as, The Cave. It has been the ancestral home to the Dragon people for the past ten thousand odd years."
"I am here on a favour." He continued. "But you are here because the Ancient One would ask you of something."

"The Ancient One?"

Aaron nodded slowly. He began to say something, then stopped before making a sound. He scratched his hand nervously.
"Forgive me." He said. "This is just a rather... Uncomfortable topic. The Ancient One is, in a sense, the leader of the Dragon People. The Dragon King, if you will."

Eric was stunned.
"You have been in contact with the Dragon King? Do you realize that by doing so you have conducted treason? You are a traitor!"

"A traitor?" Aaron asked, confused. "A traitor to who?"

"To your race. To your Kingdom. To your people!" Eric shouted.

"But the Dragons are my people too." Aaron said weakly. Eric scrunched his eyes, utterly confused.
"What are you talking about?" He asked.

Aaron drew a shaky breath, and structured his thoughts. He looked to Eric, deadly serious.
"Do you know about Aranor the Great?" He asked.

"Yes." Eric said bluntly.

"Oh good. Tell me then, why was he so great?"

"Really? Now's not the time for a history lesson."

"Its relevant, trust me." Aaron assured.

Eric rolled his eyes. "About ten thousand years ago, Humans and Dragons were at war." He began.
"Both species were driving the other to extinction, through generations of mindless slaughter and killing. Through the death of his sister, a young man named Aranor was able to bring awareness to both species by making them realize the evil severity of their actions. And so the war was ended, and the Humans elected him as their first King. Aranor built the greatest civilization in the solar system through his reign, which is why he is known as Aranor the Great."
Eric looked to Aaron.

"Not yet." He said. "What happened to Aranor?"

"In his later years, he went on to explore the Solar System and never returned."

"Entrusting the Throne to his bloodline, yes?" Aaron asked.

"Yes. Please, how is this relevant?"

"Its relevant because you are a descendant of Aranor. You are part of the royal bloodline." He said excitedly. "You are of Dragon Blood."

"What? Now I'm really confused." Eric said.

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