Chapter 2 - Eric

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The hall quickly turned silent. The people stopped dancing as the musicians stopped playing their instruments. Looks of confusion and fear were directed at the high table, where Eric and his uncle were seated.

"Dragons?" A woman asked nervously.

"What's this about dragons!" A man shouted.

Eric rubbed his eyes, then ran his fingers through his hair. His headache was returning, and with it brought a side to him he did not like people seeing.

"Uncle." Eric said. Demetrius turned his attention away from the crowd and responded.

"Yes, what is it?" He asked.

"It seems the party is over." Eric said carefully, without taking his eyes off the injured sergeant.

"If you and Lord Edgar could relieve the guests from the hall?"

"Of course."

Demetrius stood from behind the table. All eyes were instantly drawn to the bulky man.

"Party's over. Go home."

Some of the wiser people left the hall quickly, however the vast majority remained. Demetrius slowly walked towards the crowd. He was intimidating. His shoulders were hunched and he moved with an unsettling ease. It reminded Eric of a predator about to catch its prey. His cane slowly morphed into an axe in his hands, as the cloaking magic was lifted.

"I said." Demetrius began. "Party's over."

It was not until the last of the crowd had left the halls, and the great doors were closed before Eric finally decided to leave the table. He approached a palace servant, and sent summons to both his father and grandfather. The servant quickly bowed, Eric left him to his task. He then paced to the centre of the hall and stood before the wounded sergeant.

"Thank you private, you may return to your duties." Eric said to the young palace guard who stood beside Cado. The guard bowed, and hurried out the door. Eric inspected the Sergeant. He had burns that ran up his arms and across his chest. Dried blood caked his hair, and his breathing was shallow and uneasy. Eric crouched beside Cado's broken leg. It was a serious break, and was surely causing a great deal of pain. Careful not to touch, he placed his hands just above the skin. He reached for the energies within himself, and created a path for the magic to flow.

Almost instantly he felt his own energy drain as it was transferred into Cado's leg. He watched as the break realigned through his intense green eyes, turned even brighter at the expense of his magic. The angry red skin settled to a rosy pink, the flakes of charred skin faded. Until eventually most of the damage had been mended. It was not a lot of magic, but it was enough to make his headache become a storm on his conscience.

He stood quickly, his head swimming. His vision became blurry and he rested heavily against the table until his mind had cleared. The Lord Edgar came rushing forward, but Eric brushed him away.

"I'm fine." He said. "I've just had too much wine." He looked over to the Sergeant who seemed to have settled since he arrived, his eyes were calm.

"You alright?" Eric asked.

"I am fit for duty, your grace." Cado responded.

"You are not. You will get your head and burns checked directly after this. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Report, Sergeant." Eric demanded.

"We arrived at the first village that had been set to the torch. There was no one around. The ruins had been looted and the refugees had moved on." Cado said.

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