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"Yuu~san!" Yuu scowled at the familiar voice.

"What is it Shinoa?" Yuu glared at the purple haired girl unaffected by his glare.

"Wanna eat lunch together?" Yuu scowled at the thought.
"I already have to share the office with you, I don't want to share my lunch too!" The purple haired girl just giggled and followed Yuu around. "Shinoa seriously! I want to be alone!" Yuu yelled but it had no effect on Shinoa. All of Yuu's "friends" were already use to Yuu's outbursts, everyone in the office already knew, they just pretended not to know for Yuu's sake.  Since Yuu knew he was going to be followed no matter where he was in the building, so he decided to go to the only place that was safe, secure, and that no one would find him.
His own home.
Workers were allowed to leave to eat out, and his house was pretty close.  So he quickly took all the stuff he needed and left the building.

!!!!TIME SKIP!!!!

"Hey are you ok!" Yuu asked as he worriedly look at the person on the ground
'Shit I don't have my phone, ironic, I know.'  Yuu thought but suddenly an idea popped in his head, although he was a bit reluctant about it....

Yuu quickly laid the man on his bed, (he knew he would have to clean those sheets later though.)  After he checked the said man for wounds, he began to take the man into detail.

——-5 minutes of admiring later—
Yuu walked into the kitchen gathering all the supplies he needed to eat his lunch, which was basically a microwave.  After taking his microwaveable food out he began to eat, right when he was about to reach for the salt, because he was addicted to that shit, he heard a loud THUMP upstairs. Rushing up the stairs he ran towards his room where the man use to lay, now, the said man was on the floor looking like he had a concussion.

"Are you ok? Should I go get the ambulance? My neighbors have a phone you could borrow to call your friends and family!"

But the man was staring at Yuu strangely, almost like he was-

"I think I'm in love."


Under certain Circumstances {MIKAYUU} {ABO}Where stories live. Discover now