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*all the people introduced are part of the actual Seraph Of The End Franchise.

After a while of waiting.  Looking around.  And praying to whoever was up there for him to be safe.  Someone finally came in.

He was thankful that it wasn't Kureto.  He didn't know what to do if it was him.  But it was the Betas.

Silently, they filed in a line, before staring at him.  The one in the front, slowly walked towards him, carrying similar clothing.

"Wear this."  They said before they all filed out of the room.  They said as they followed the others.

Sighing he looked at the thin cloth.  It looked fancy, as expected.  'I don't want to do this.  But I have to, I just have to play nice.'  He thought as he began to change.

After he figured out how to put it on, he sat on the bed.  Shifting uncomfortably.  Why was he wearing this, and why was he and Guren here?  And better yet, what did Mika have to do with this.

The thought of Mika being from another dimension had crossed his mind, but he couldn't believe this.  This was just straight up bullshit.

Was Mika an important figure here.  If so, he sure didn't act like that.  He seemed to not have a good relationship with Kureto.  If that was the case, what would happen to him?

Mika that bastard, once he got his hands on him, it was game over.

Sighing, he jerked up in surprise when someone else came in.  Excepting Kureto, or one of those Betas.  He froze up.  However when he saw who it was, he slightly relaxed.

It was a regular girl, she had brown hair, and looked to be a maid.  "Hello, I'll be your helper while you're here."  She said politely before bowing.

"You have a few minutes before we must get ready for your lessons."  She said, before walking towards him.

"If you need anything, please, don't be afraid to ask me."  She said before she went to clean the room even more.

"W-wait.  What's your name."  He asked looking at her.

"Why, it's Akane."

Mika POV——-
Mika and Shinya looked around the town.  At first glance, it seemed regular.  But there was an unspoken tension between people.  Everyone was on the edge.

Worried looking eyes, hushed whispers.  This would be the town they were looking for.  Mika made his way to the nearest Tavern, Shinya begrudgingly following behind.

He sat down, and carefully tried not to draw attention to them.  "What should we do now?"  Shinya said. 

"We wait.  Until we find someone."  He said, although time was their enemy.  The worst things could be happening to Yuu, and Guren, and it would be his fault.

Mika ordered themselves beer, Shinya raising an eyebrow since the soon to be king was no drinker.  He took a sip, trying to not immediately spit it back up.

After a few hours of just talking, he zoned in on a specific conversation.

"Did you hear?"


"The king has a new candidate for his bride!"

"No way!  Who told you this?"

"I have some eyes in the castle.  The king seemed to like this one more than the others."

"Really?  Why?"

"I don't know for sure.  I just know he's exotic."

"It's a he?"

"Yeah, I was surprised too.  Usually the king only had female Betas and female Omegas."

"That poor guy.  He'll be eaten up like the others.  And those Betas that usually travel with the king are dangerous too.  Even if they aren't contenders."

Mika's eyes widened.  Yuu, a bride for Kureto.   Just thinking about it made him sick.  'Yuu's mine.  I can't believe Kureto is being this low.'  He thought to himself.

"Shinya."  He said, moving his eyes to a suspicious group of people.  "I'm on it."  Shinya said, suddenly standing up.

This would be good.

Guren POV——-
"Alright, who the hell is saying this shit!"  He said looking around.  He wouldn't admit it, he was slightly scared.

"Who do you think is saying this, you big baboon."  The voice hollered once more.  "Open your eyes." 

Guren shook his head and looked closer to his surroundings.  Stopping when he saw a slightly strange thing buzzing around.

It didn't look like a butterfly, it looked like a small human, with wings.

"What the hell!"

"If anything I should be saying that.  You were about to ruin the flowers!"  It flew closer to him.

Now he could get a better look.

It seemed to be female, it had long red hair, and purple eyes.  "Who and what the hell are you?"

She simply rolled her eyes, like what he said was the most dumbest question ever.

"My name is Mito Juju.  And I'm a fairy.  And you're disturbing this garden."

"What?  That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard."

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