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After a while of thinking hard, he decided to sleep.  It was the best course of action. But his nap didn't last long, he was starting to become even more restless.

Twisting and turning, constantly throwing off the covers and purring them back on. He needed to get out of here. This was just a fancy prison.

Finally stepping out of bed, Yuu paced around the room. He had tried the door earlier, it was locked.

But even if he could've opened the door, he needed to locate Guren first. Maybe Akane would take pity on him, and at least tell him that.

But, he highly doubt it. Akane couldn't afford to get in trouble, but there was no harm in asking. Sighing, he stopped suddenly to run his hand through his hair.

'I know I said I would wait patiently. But-' his thoughts were cut off when he heard a knock at his door.

Hesitantly, he opened the door, surprised when it was Akane. 'What was she doing here so late?'

"I'm sorry Yuu, I must've woken you up. You're allowed to send me away." She said, slightly bowing her head.

"No it's alright Akane, but is there something wrong?"  He asked.  She never visited unless she had some kind of information, or Yuu had to go somewhere.

"No I-" she paused for a second, "I can't sleep."  She said slightly embarrassed. 

Yuu softly smiled at her, "it's alright, come in."  He said, as he moved aside from the door.  She shuffled inside before closing the door behind them. 

Yuu was always curious on how the door worked.  It seemed he couldn't leave, unless he was with Akane.  Seeing since she could easily open and close the door.  Yuu was stuck with a locked door, never opening for him.

He concluded it must be something from his dimension, heck, maybe magic.  He honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was.

"Do you want tea?"  He asked her, he had the items to make some tea.  He had made quite a few pots while he was here.

It was the only thing that calmed him down enough. 

"Yes thank you, that would be much appreciated."  She said, before sitting down in a chair.

Yuu went ahead to make some tea, he didn't exactly have a full kitchen, just a sink, some cupboards, and a counter.

If he wanted something reheated, Akane would take it back, and after a few minutes it was hot again.  Although, he much would rather have a stove or a microwave.  Feeling bad that Akane had to leave going god knows where.

He went ahead and began to get the tea ready.  When he finished he poured Akane a cup, then himself. 

The tea was warm, and he made sure to make it sweet, but not too sweet.  Akane took a sip before she finally spoke, "this is delicious Yuu."  She said, before rubbing her eyes.

"Thanks, I've had a lot of practice while I was here."  He simply said.  Akane slightly frowned, but continued to drink.

"Yuu, do you want to find your friend?"

Mika POV————
"So, I have to sneak in?" Narumi asked, as they went over the plan again. They all nodded in unison, and Narumi sighed.

"Alright, I guess this is the least I could do since I did try to kidnap him and all." Narumi mumbled.

Mika raised an eyebrow at how casually that sentence sounded.

"Go ahead and put it on, we're putting our plan into action right now."

Under certain Circumstances {MIKAYUU} {ABO}Where stories live. Discover now