The Solution

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Do to a sudden family emergency I won't be able to update next week, and maybe the week after that.  I would like to apologize for those who are reading my story.  Which is also why I didn't update the little lightning bug this week either, I apologize for that.

Yuu had successfully talked some sense into Akane. And she was ready to help both of them in the final trial.  She had spilt everything she could ever know, and even discretely asked around with the other maids.

Now all that was left, was to find Narumi, to send a message to Mikaela.  Who knows, it could be his final one.  If it was, he wanted Mikaela to send some things to his family.

A final goodbye letter to them, and an explanation onto where he's been.  Although in their dimension, it should only be about a couple of days.  'I wish I didn't have to write this, but it would be the most reasonable thing to do.' 

After he finished, thanks to the pen and paper Akane smuggled into his hospital room, he gave it back to Akane.  "Give this to a guard, see if he'll allow me to give this to my family.  But you have to butter him up a bit, so make small talk with him.  Such as how the weather is, and if he has and friends and found and made new ones."

All this of course was a coded message.  He was asking Akane to go go Narumi and give the letter to him.  And of course ask questions about Guren.  Ever since Kureto came in, he was hyper aware of everything around him.

He made sure to not give away anything that they've been doing.  Because all of that could easily mean death to all of them.

Akane simply nodded and took the letter and walked out.  The transaction seemed normal on the outside, but to her she had gotten the message.

Akane POV—

Akane had of course understood almost immediately what he wanted her to do.  Although she didn't know Yuu that long, they had grown pretty close with each other.  Enough to even distinguish what was going on in his head.

She walked down the hallways, stopping at the usual meet up with Narumi.  The door near the library, and sure enough he was there.  And seemed to be itching to share something on his mind.

"One of the contestants requested this to be sent to their family back in their dimension."

"You know we don't do that here."

There was a pause, before Narumi rolled his eyes and snatched the letter.  "Anything else?"

"Did you find any friends, or do you not have them?"

"Tch, what the hell are you talking about lady.  Of course I have friends, in fact I made a new one near the courtyard.  Now scram."

And that was all they both needed to know.

Yuu was surprisingly brilliant in times of need.  Usually they would just talk discreetly with each other.  But now they had a code, and if they were even seen together people would brush it off.

Akane left with a sigh.  And as quickly as she had arrived, she left. 

"Tch.  Like hell I'll send this anywhere.  The only place I'll send it is right in the trash."  With that, Narumi crumpled it up and put it in his pocket.

He would send the signal later, preferably in the early morning. Which was when he could make the excuse he was getting cold and wanted to start a fire when he was out on patrol.

As his thoughts drifted, he couldn't help but think about Guren and the fairy that he had befriended. There meeting was strange indeed.

Flashback Guren POV——-
"Guren, do you hear something?" Mito had all of a sudden stopped her chattering and began to listen carefully.

Guren strained his ears for something but couldn't hear anything. He looked puzzled, as he stared at Mito. She brought her tiny hand to her mouth to quiet him down. "Go hide."

Guren was reluctant of course, but knew she probably knew what was for the best. Especially after the last time a guard came in to this small facility.

He hid behind a tree, in a layer of fallen leaves.  Which thankfully hid his body pretty well. He stayed silent as Mito inspected the area.

Everyone fell quiet, even Sayuri, who was hiding in Guren's back pocket.  Guren was thankful that it understood the situation they were in.

After many minutes passed, Guren was about to brush it off as a hoax, before he heard speaking.

"You're Guren right?  The Guren Shinya and Yuu talk about?  I know you can hear me wherever you are, and I mean no harm to you.  In fact, I'm here to help you, if you could come out.  That would be great."

This could easily be a trap, but how did the guard know about Shinya.  Maybe he was just tired of running and hiding, that his decision making was out of whack.

Slowly he came out of the leaves and came out of hiding.  Mito immediately went to his side.  "Guren, what the hell are you doing.  This is a trap and you jus-

"I'm Narumi.  I was tasked with finding you and sending information to the others who are trying to break you out."

Guren was the one who spoke this time, ignoring Mito's warnings.  "How do you know Shinya and Yuu?"

"I've been helping Yuu get messages out to everyone.  And Shinya was one of the ones who came up with the plan to break you out."

Another pause again, before the fairy was tired of being ignored and spoke up.  "How do we know we can trust you?"

With that, Narumi reached into his pocket and pulled a small envelope.  They tensed slightly, but was relieved to just see an envelope.

"Here take this.  It'll tell you all the recent information you need.  Along with the plan to escape from here."

With that, Guren took the envelope, ready to escape as quickly as possible.

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