Trial 2 cont. important A/N as well

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After a few agonizing minutes of looking up at the surprisingly tall plant.  Yuu decided to try and knock a bundle with a few rocks.

Gathering a hefty amount,  Yuu began to aim specifically at the stem of the strange fruits.  After a few tries, the "banana bundle" finally fell down.

Snatching it up, he turned around, spotting Chess sitting down on a large rock.

"I got the mud, but what do we do with it?"  She asked looking down at the large amount of mud she put on some spare leaves.

"Rub it on yourself.  It'll camouflage you, mask your scent, and keep those pesky mosquitoes away."  He said.

Chess pouted for a few seconds, before sighing reluctantly. Yuu waited patiently for her to go first.

"Just rub it where your skin is exposed. We don't have to do a full body yet." He said, hoping that would make her feel better. "Alright." She said as she smeared some on her face and neck.

She went to her forearms, and lower legs. Before going to her feet and handing Yuu the rest of the mud.

Yuu thanked her before doing the same process. "Here, we need to eat to keep our energy up. This is definitely safe to eat."

Chess looked at her hands, before looking back at Yuu, "we should've eaten before doing the mud thing." She said as she smeared her dirty hands on her hanfu.

Yuu grimly stared at his hands before doing the same. He knew this would get dirty sooner or later.

After that, they ate in silence. It was getting dark and they didn't exactly have a safe place yet.

"Should we just camp here, I'll keep watch-"

"I'll keep watch first.  You need more rest since you're both the brains and brawn in this operation."  Chess said, before sitting back on the rock.

"But Chess-"

"Do you trust me Yuu?  I promise I won't fail you.  I just want to be useful for once."  She said.

Yuu looked around hesitantly, before sighing.  "Alright.  Tell me if you see anything, don't try to do anything on your own."

Chess immediately kept her eyes on the forest.  Yuu did the same for awhile.  Before relaxing, there was nothing but the sound of the wind and chatters of the rainforest.

'I'll stay awake for a few more moments, before I go to sleep.' He thought to himself.

He stared straight in the pitch black depths of trees, before finally, he was lulled to sleep.

Chess turned back, and smiled. Finally Yuu was getting his sleep, that he most desperately needed.

She could tell he was tired when he came here. Which meant he probably didn't get enough sleep.

When Chess finally saw the sun peak from the horizon, Akane sighed. The sky was getting lighter, so they could finally see again.

After a few minutes of silence, Yuu finally woke up. At first, he was unsure on where he was, but suddenly, all the memories came back to him.

He looked over at Chess, who was facing away from him.

"Shall we go? It's better to travel early in the morning. Less people, and hopefully some nocturnal animals are asleep. Or full from the night's hunt."

Chess nodded before getting up. They each had a banana left, and they planned to keep it for their next stop.

Their next stop was to find a place with fresh water. Some sort of food source, and some short of shelter.

"Do you think that we'll find water around here?" Chess asked as she walked besides Yuu.

"We just have to find a water source, then we can go ahead and boil the water." Yuu said nonchalantly.

He said it in a manner that made it seem easy, but they both knew the truth.

"Besides if that fails, we could always lick the dew drops from the leaves." Yuu added, half jokingly.

Chess laughed a little, before nodding. "We probably shouldn't, who knows if we end up licking some sort of poisonous plant."

Yuu shrugged, "that's true. For now that'll be our plan c."

"What's plan b?" Chess asked.

"You'll see."

Time Skip———

It now looked to be about noon, and they were still on their quest for water.

"Yuu, do you think there is any water around here?"

Yuu paused, before turning around, "of course, the rain has to go somewhere right?"

Chess nodded hesitantly, before continuing, "but what if this is apart of our trial. What if he removed any great sources of water to see how long we survive."

Yuu simply hummed at that. "Don't worry Chess. If we find any water bank plants, then we know we're close to water. We can also look at the creatures around us, look at their traits and characteristics. We also can't forget that they have to survive as well. Rainwater can't be their only source." Yuu said thoughtfully.

Chess looked at Yuu, slightly surprised, but her eyes lit up with wonder. Yuu had learned quite a lot, and he put it to his knowledge. Which was

"I guess that's true. I shouldn't be too pessimistic." She said, and Yuu smiled down at her.

"I never expected you to be the pessimistic one, especially with your personality." He said teasingly.

Chess pouted but continued to keep up with Yuu. She guessed he was right about one thing.

She shouldn't be too pessimistic, if she actually thought these things, they may end up coming true.

They'll find water, and when they do, they'll take a nice long break. To just relax for a while, maybe try to wash up, find some shelter-

Yuu suddenly stopped, and Chess bumped into him. She didn't know she started to lag behind.

"Do you hear that?"

She looked around with knitted eyebrows. She didn't hear anyth-

"Is that..." she stopped mid sentence when he nodded.

"We'll tread lightly, where there is water,"

"There are other animals around." She finished his sentence for him. Yuu smiled at her, before leading her to the sound of falling water.

With water, they'll have a chance to live. A new beginning, but they'll also face new hardships on the way.

'But hopefully those hardships won't be too hard.'

(A/N I have both good news and bad news. The bad news is that I won't be able to update next week. I'll be spending the whole week with my grandma. The good news is that I'll be starting a new MikaYuu story. This time I'll be more organized. I'm actually doing some research for this as well. So I won't be all over the place, like I do for this story. I may post the information soon, I already have a draft in the works. I'm excited since I have a lot on inspiration for this new story. Hopefully you couldn't tell, but I lost some inspiration for this one. But don't worry, I'll finish it until the end. For now, I'll keep on researching, revising, and mapping out the chapters.)

Thanks For Reading

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