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"Honestly Yuu you're scaring me..."

"What the fuck Shinoa!"
Yuu was sleeping in his cubicle since he was on his break and he didn't have to press anymore buttons to open the dimensions because his sector was closed today, for maintenance or something like that.

Yet he still had to work.

"You where moping around and whining like a little baby just yesterday, now you're back to your normal self, but better!"

"What do you mean by that?" Yuu glared at Shinoa.

"Yuu, you DONATED some money to a foundation online! I saw you, you NEVER donate anything! You were honestly the worse person I've ever met but now, you're turning into the nicest person I've ever met!"

"Hey I'm not that bad....."

"Yuu I once saw you completely wreck a Girl Scout's table of cookies."

"Hey that was because they kept on begging me to buy cookies, and I had no money!"  Yuu said getting annoyed that Shinoa brought that up again.  He was having a bad day that day, ok.

"You could've politely declined like a normal person." 

Shinoa did had a point.

But a point that Yuu won't listen to.

"Anywho Yuu, how did it go with the person you messed up big time with?  Is that the reason your acting like a decent human being today?"

"Watch it Bitchnoa."  Yuu felt his eye twitch in annoyance.  Shinoa had no right to bring up Mika into this conversation.

"Hey I was just trying to make a conversation with my best friend!  Speaking of which, since you are my best friend, would mind doing a-"

Yuu quickly cut her off with a quick and sharp "No."

"Why you don't even know what I was going to say!"  Shinoa was truly worried about Yuu, he was single, had an addiction, and was growing older (and hornier) by the second.  She knew that they had to do something.

I mean the man practically had no social life!

Scratch the practically, he has no social life.

So what better thing to do was to try to get Yuu out of the house, and maybe meet someone special while out too.  
Shinoa smirked at her hidden lingo.

"Come one Yuu, get out of that boring stuffy house.  If you do, I'll buy you anything you want there!"
Shinoa also added the rule that she was not going to buy him alcohol or let him buy any in her mind. If he knew that rule, he probably would never agree to it.

"Fine.....but I don't want to stay out too late I got something to do."  Or someone who'll worry about me the whole time I'm out. Yuu thought the last part.

Shinoa squealed in delight and rushed to tell everyone about him finally leaving his house to everyone.

Yuu couldn't help but feel guilty for some reason.

——————time skip—————-

"YOU'RE WHAT!"  Mika yelled in surprise when Yuu finally told him.

"Yuu do you have any idea on how dangerous this is!  It's midnight and in the city!  Not to mention they're more perverts out there than ever!"

Yuu knew this was going to happen so he recited the small speech he made to calm Mika down.
"Listen Mika, I've been living alone all my life before you got into the picture.  I've had my fair share of perverts ....(this includes you Mika)...But I've taken care of myself and haven't let myself get hurt.  I'm not some stupid innocent omega, I know how to kick ass when I want to.

Mika knew that Yuu was independent and very responsible, but this time it was different, it was different because he was in the picture.  He's been on edge since Ferid warned him against assassination attempts to both him AND Yuu.  He couldn't stop feeling a little worried with Yuu out on his own, I mean, he almost has heart attacks when Yuu leaves for work.

"Can I at least go with you Yuu~chan?"  Mika asked giving his best puppy dog eyes.

Yuu sighed and shook his head.  "No Mika, this is something I want to do on my own, I'm sorry." 

—-Mika POV

Mika than watched Yuu quickly leave in an outfit that he definitely disapproves of. 

"Yuu is for me and me only, not for any of those sick perverts out there."  Mika grimaced at the thought.

Mika quickly checked the computer, he had thankfully attached a tracker onto Yuu recently just in case.

It seemed he was heading to Seraph Bar? 

"What kind of Name is that?"  Mika said to himself, but no matter he just had to make sure Yuu was safe the whole time.

Mika quickly ran out of the house to find a taxi.

—Yuu POV

"So Yuu are you having fun?" Shinoa shouted over the booming music.

"Would be better if I had some beer." Yuu said.

"And it would be better if you got laid but I'm not complaining, considering your outfit you look like you could catch attention if you wanted to." Shinoa said looking at Yuu's outfit.

He was wearing some tight, black jeans and a simple oversized white sweater, just something simple.

Yuu rolled his eyes and left Shinoa to go look for Mitsuba, Yoichi, heck even Kimizuki! Anyone but Shinoa. But he didn't get very far when he bumped into someone.

He mumbled a sorry but before he could continue going through the crowd of grinding and dancing the stranger grabbed his hand.

"Are you alright?" Yuu looked up at the strangers face. He was certainly handsome even for Yuu to admit.

But he wasn't his type.

Under certain Circumstances {MIKAYUU} {ABO}Where stories live. Discover now