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After shoveling down the curry and quickly putting it away, Yuu went on to doing his work, it was going to be a long day, that's for sure, he was looking forward to going ho-

No he wasn't, in fact he was scared to go back. 

Yuu sighed and ran a hand through his hair and sighed for the third time today.  Maybe Mikaela left, hopefully.

He wasn't looking forward to what he'll see at his house, hopefully nothing.

——————Time skip—————

Yuu carefully left his office, making sure no one saw him leave so the demon couldn't follow him home. 

After waiting for the bus, (yes the bus, his car was getting fixed.)  Yuu finally arrived home, he opened the door bracing himself for what's behind it.

But the problem was, was that there was nothing different at all behind the door.

And he hated to admit it, but Mika wasn't there.

It wasn't like he was worried or anything.

The guy was a creep.

But he did admit that the house seemed a little bit gloomier without him.

Yuu walked towards the kitchen where he found a warm meal and a note.

Unlike last time, he chose the note first.

Dear Yuu-chan,

I'm sorry that I won't be able to greet you at the door, I had to take care of some very unfortunate business, please don't eat too much dinner, I'm bringing you back some sweets as an apology, also I just don't want you to get a tummy ache. Stay safe Yuu-chan, don't open the door for strangers, and lock the door too. I'll be back soon!


Yuu rolled his eyes after he finished reading, it was annoying that Mika treated him like a child, but at least he got free meals and a clean house out of it.

Sighing ,Yuu ate his food, realizing it was from his favorite chinese food place around the corner.

'Mika must have been REALLY busy to not be able to make a home cooked meal.  Not that I like his food or anything, it was just an observation.'

After finishing almost everything in the bag (Mikaela's promise of dessert in his mind.)  Yuu decided to watch some tv and maybe have a couple of beers. 

After about the 4th can Yuu was beginning to feel a nice buzz and he was getting a little tired.

Yuu never drank enough to get himself fully drunk, but enough to help him relax after a hard day at work.

Switching from the tv to the computer, Yuu began to play a few games on there before calling it a night at 12:48.

And Mika still wasn't here.

He was wondering if he should be worried or not.

But there was a strange churning in his stomach, and he wondered if that was the alcohol or not.

Probably was.

Yuu closed his eyes and fell asleep, definitely not hoping for Mikaela to be back the next morning.

He wasn't looking forward for tomorrow.

"Yuu~chan is so cute while sleeping."  Someone whispered quietly.

He already knew who it was...

Maybe if I pretend to be asleep he'll
leave me alone.  

And he was going to do just that until he heard an infamous camera click followed by a bright flash coming somewhere near him.  

He was awake.

"Mikaela what the hell!  Don't take pictures of people while they're sleeping.   It's invading their privacy!

"Sorry Yuu~chan looked so cute while sleeping I couldn't help myself.

Yuu grumbled and pouted because he woke up a lot early than he usually did. 

"By the way, what kind of important business did you have to do?  If you had a job than you can move out more quickly."  Yuu glared up at Mika.

"Awwww, Yuu~chan don't be like that, It was only business with a coworker.  We had to settle some things."  Mika said with a dark glare which made Yuu shiver, in fear of course, no other reason!

Yuu got up and changed out of his work clothes from yesterday, he didn't change into his pajamas, and put them in the washing machine.  He then grabbed some new clothes for work.

Another long day...........

Under certain Circumstances {MIKAYUU} {ABO}Where stories live. Discover now