Trial 1 cont.

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"H-hello?"  A meek voice called out, stirring Yuu from his sleep.  If you could even call it that.

Yuu looked up, realizing it was pointless since he couldn't see anything in front of him.  All he knew was that the voice was a few feet ahead of him.

Yuu kept silent, unsure on what to do.  He was feeling empathy for whoever was out in the dark, they sounded young.  But it was best to not get close, he would probably later face off with them.

He didn't need unnecessary emotions in the way.

But, Yuu was stubborn, a stubborn guy with a big heart.  Not the best combination for something like this.

After waiting a while, he finally spoke, "Yes?"  He said, not really knowing what much else to say. 

It was silence for a while, before the voice spoke again.  "Can I hang out with you for a while?" 

Without context it seemed like the voice was asking to be friends with him of some sort.  But no, they were asking for survival.

"Could you keep up?" There was a pregnant silence between them, before the voice spoke once more.

"I won't slow you down."

Yuu let out a quiet chuckle. He liked the other omega's attitude. But, now wasn't the time to get attached.

"Alright kid, what's your name?"

He immediately heard shuffling towards him, before he realized that they were less than two feet apart.

"The name's Chess." She said, even Yuu could tell she had a goofy grin on her face.

"Alright Chess, just next time stay quiet. You're lucky you ran into me, and not something or someone less welcoming."

He heard some shuffling, before he realized she was glued to his side.

"Yes sir!"

"No need to calm me that, just Yuu." He said softly,
"alright Mr. Yuu!"

'Oh no. This isn't good, we've become attached already.' Yuu thought sadly. This was definitely a bad idea.

"What's your story Chess?" He asked, and he felt her stiffen, before she began to speak.

"I had an alpha before this. Her name was Horn." She started quietly.

"I was supposed to be mated to her, as soon as I was of legal age. But sadly, fate had other plans for us."

She paused, as if to calm herself. "I knew that the trials would be near my birthday. But I haven't turned 18 yet. Too bad I didn't get the memo that if you turn 18 before the end date of the trials, you would still be taken away."

Yuu listened silently. He never knew he wasn't the only one who didn't want to be here. He definitely felt a sense of empathy for her.


He was cut off with a loud buzz. One could easily disregard it, but there was no time to disregard things around here.

"Chess get down and stay quiet."

He was relieved that she did what was told of her, without question, and laid down as well.

They laid down silently together. The low buzz grew stronger until it became a loud rumble, almost like a plane's engine.

Chess shifted closer to him, and call it his "omegan instincts," Yuu draped his body over her. Using his own body as the last line of defense against whatever was coming.

As the noise began to come closer, Yuu heard the dreaded familiar shriek of some sort of creature.

Yuu felt Chess begin to silently shiver. He would've also been shaking too if he didn't have two lives on the line.

'It would be best not to move from our spot. We would produce noise, noise the creature could probably easily detect.' Yuu thought as he resisted the urge to move.

He didn't seem to be the only one with an idea like that, as Chess quietly slowed her breaths down, to be as undetectable as possible.

Yuu followed her lead, somehow he felt calm.

The buzz stopped suddenly as well, before there was another shriek and the buzz began to be ten times as loud. Seemingly to be heading in the opposite direction.

He saw a figure in the air pass above him, this would be the first time he saw even a little anatomy of the creature. 'Is that a- it looks almost like a-'

"Giant bats. I thought they were extinct." Chess whispered quietly now that both of the creatures were gone.

Yuu rolled himself off of her, careful enough to make not too much noise. Just because those two creatures were gone, doesn't mean others aren't listening in.

"Mr.Yuu, I think we just need to survive for a couple of days. If this works out, then we'll be home free." She said in a light tone. Kinda ironic in the situation they were in.

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind, but if those creatures were bats. Than this ecosystem would be that of a cave of some sort. Which means other cave like creatures-"

Just then, he heard a loud scuttle noise off in the distance.  Chess hid in Yuu's shoulder, and Yuu slowly pulled both of them up.

"Whatever that is, it's all the way over there, we'll just head off in the opposite direction.  Away from whatever that is."  He said as they began to move once again.

He felt a bit more confident, and walked instead of crawling.  Chess held Yuu's hand tight and walked with him.

They ended up walking up a good portion of their energy.  Which was bad, since to have more energy required at least sleep, water and food.  And two of those things, they didn't have.

'They surely wouldn't starve us right?  I mean, if those other creatures are getting food and surviving, then there must be some food.'  He thought.

Chess continued to stay silent, until she couldn't bear it anymore.

"Mr.Yuu,  do you think we'll ever get out of here?"

Yuu stayed silent, it was something he was doing a lot of lately.

"I don't know, but we sure as hell won't die.  At least not in this way."

Kureto POV—-
"It seems like Yuuichirou is traveling with someone."

Kureto looked up in surprise, he had expected Yuu to not make friends so quickly.  This was surprising huh? 

"Who is it?"

There was a pause, before rapid typing, and an answer.  "Chess Belle, sir.  She is currently 17 but she'll turn 18 before the new queen is announced.  Although it seemed she was about to be mated with another alpha."

'So she doesn't want to be here either like my dearest Yuuichirou?' 

"Alright, keep them together as long as you can.  But when the moment is right,"

Kureto snapped his fingers before continuing, "I want you to separate them at my call.  Do you understand?"

"Yes sir!"

Kureto smiled at this.  It seemed this years trial would be interesting.  Something that a lot of his higher ups would enjoy this year.

All seemed to be according to Kureto's plan .  But it seemed like there was a hesitant among the group.  Who knew exactly who Chess Belle was and who exactly she was supposed to be mated to.

And was more than happy to sabotage Kureto's plan.

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