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Are you full
Or do you think of the past
The what if's the should haves
are you consumed
With what could have been
If you had been more open
More outgoing
More ready
How would your life look
If you had taken every risk
Listened to every gut-wrenching feeling
Every tap on the shoulder
let it go
The love is lost
You can keep thinking of it
For it, through it
But you are exactly where you need to be
and you should just let yourself be free
Of doubts, of regret
Of things unsaid
Of cringing moments that run through your head
You've beaten yourself up enough my dear
There's another moment, another year
For you to do with what you please
The life behind is just a tease
Of what lies ahead, above, across
My dear, my dear, it is his loss.

Oh, You Go SailingWhere stories live. Discover now