[2] a sign.

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I was signing the last batch of paperwork in my desk when I suddenly heard familiar series of knocking patterns outside my room's veranda. I drew out a gun with BB pellets in case it's another pervert who just happens to see my neighbor's undergarments hanged to dry and had been forgotten. Just in case, ne?

"What the heck!" I blurted out when the pellet hit a certain redhead who happens to be lockpicking the veranda's door. "Karma, the eff are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital..." I examined him then faced back with a deadpanned look. "Or not."

The idiot scratched his head, sticking his tongue out while looking sheepish.

"You twat, what did you do now?"

He grinned, "Long story short, I was bored so I escaped that wretched prison. Nagi, let's go out!"

Why in the world is he smiling like he did nothing wrong? Still, he is Akabane Karma so it is really not that unexpected. In fact, I was surprised it took this long.

"First, hospitals are not prisons, Karma."

"They are to me!"

I raised my hand to make him stop for a while.

"Second, I just brought you a couple of games a week ago."

"I already finished! They were so easy!"

I shushed him, placing my index finger on his lips with a small smile on my face.

"Third, let's go. It's summer solstice," I said, grabbing two fur coats from the rack and my wallet before jumping off from the house after locking the door with Karma following after me. I do hope no one has better lockpicking skills than Karma.


"I actually forgot that the celebration was tonight!" So that was what I have been forgetting. I just noticed when I saw the line of booths downtown.

"Onee-chan, can you come with me for a second?" a small pink haired child tugged my sleeve and led me to a small stall.

"Is that your boyfriend? That redhead onii-chan on a matching coat?" I blushed but immediately shook my head.

"He is...someone special to me. Why?" I like how this girl thinks. She seems so mature at a young age.

"I can feel it. He's not going to be by your side for long, onee-chan. Which is why," she grinned sheepishly and brought out a set of glow-in-the-dark bracelets. "You must buy a pair of these! These are called 'Heartstrings XOXO'. If you feel extreme emotions inside your heart that you cannot express, the pair on the other side will light up, sending a message to the one who holds the other half."

This girl got me good. I guess I can try one. Just a remembrance.

"How much?"

Her eyes glinted with joy. "1000 yen."

I can see my savings wave goodbye.


"Nagi, remember the promise I made with you ten years ago? We're doing it now."

He dragged me to a Marriage Booth (where the heck did this come from anyway?) and made negotiations with the facilitators which gained us instant witnesses.

'This guy,' I sweatdropped but didn't do anything to stop him. As long as it makes him happy...

 As long as it makes him happy

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