unheard. 『 his side 』

314 11 18

13th of March

“Nagisa,” he muttered, touching the glass wall that separated the both of them, keeping him from grasping hold of her, chaining him from reaching out to the dimly-litted star that was once his. “I’m sorry.”

The bluenette from the other side gave no other response but a bitter grin, her blank eyes opposing the emotion that escaped from her face. “This was my fate,” she mouthed, but clearly didn’t show recognition towards the redhead. After all, in this state, Nagisa Shiota was like a lifeless vessel. Going rampant when triggered, only moves when ordered.

To most she was like a defective android, but to him, she was a broken doll— one that he had to ruin since three years ago. The incident since three years ago— the reason why Nagisa ended up this way.


“Karma~,” Okuda called flirtatiously to which the redhead felt disgusted.

It would have been alright if Nagisa was the one doing that, and he explained this to Okuda. But the latter did not take this lightly. She took it as a challenge, probably thinking that if she successfully made Karma forget who she was back in the middle school days, Karma would finally realize that he would be better off without Nagisa.

“Stop this Okuda-san. I did not give you permission to address me so casually.” The purple haired shivered at the icy tone but shook it off because she had a goal in mind.

“You’re so mean, Karma-kun! Why won’t you call me by my first name too so that we’re even?” she purred, tracing the redhead’s chest which made his image of her more sickening.

“Get your hands off me, Okuda. Only Nagisa is worthy for me. Go find someone else to bother.”

‘Damn this. Where are you now, Nagi?’

“Why, Karma-kun?! Why is it always Nagisa?!” she shifted her mood almost too quickly, pulling her own hair and shouting like she’s insane. “What is it with her that I don’t have, huh?! I am smarter than her! I am prettier! I am better than her in any way! So why?! Why is it always her?!”

Karma glared at her in a menacing manner, looking down with his mercury colored orbs. “Unlike you, MY Nagisa was never fake. So please,” his blood lust intensified. “Just f•ck off, will you?”

Just when he was about to walk away, Okuda pulled him back, pressing her lips to his aggressively to which made him slap her away from him in disgust.

“What the?! How dare you do this, Okuda?!”

“Payback, Karma-kun. Wait for more,” she blew a kiss towards him and immediately faded out of sight.

On cue, Nagisa arrived, feeling the awkward atmosphere surrounding Karma with him still thinking,

‘I'm sorry, Nagi. I felt like I cheated.’

Weeks passed after that. Isogai and Nakamura kept bugging Karma about the blurry image of a redhead which was suspected to be Karma and a black or dark purple haired girl kissing to which Karma immediately denied.

“Come on, Karma. Just tell the truth. I promise, I won’t tell,” the blonde teased.

“Go away, you two. And that’s not me, for the record. I would never do that.”

“Aww,” the ikemen puffed his cheeks in disappointment. “But believe me, if this girl was Manami-chan, I would have rooted for you two instead of Nagisa.”

“F•ck off!”

“I know right! I mean, who would want to befriend a plain and boring girl like her?”

Karma clicked his tongue in annoyance as his peace was disturbed once again.

“If only Karma-kun was not her bestfriend, I would not have even cared to know her! I mean me, Kaede Kayano, be friends with that Nagisa b•tch? Oh please!”

‘Kaede, you traitor.’

“Now what, Karma?” Okuda taunted, waving the clearer copy of the blind item picture on her hand. “I told you to wait for more.”

“What the hell do you want?!”

“Simple, be mine.”

“We agree, Karma-kun. She’s best for you,” Kanzaki smiled sweetly. Too sweet that it made him sick. Why was he and Nagisa surrounded by sick people?

“Just, curse you. Curse you damn all!”

Little did he know, Nagisa knew all that had happened. But she couldn’t do anything because she had a problem of her own. She had an abusive mother. The problem which he failed to see.

He looked at her once again from the glass window with a pained expression. If only he knew. If only he fought against them. If only he had been stronger for the both of them.

“I AM NOT CRAZY! LET ME OUT OF HERE! LET ME SKIN THAT OKUDA ALIVE!” tears started streaming out of her face and Karma could only feel pathetic to not be able to wipe those off.


Karma felt himself cry, but clenched his fist to keep watch of the bluenette. After all, this was their only way of connection.


The glass wall and that temporary euphoria.

Where their feelings remain undiscovered.

“I love you, Nagisa.” he whispered.


“Happy anniversary, my love.”




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