Part 1 Adventure! (Petra)

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Jess, Petra, Jack, and Ivor, were roaming around the basement of the order hall, fighting monsters as Nerm and Harper watched, keeping score of how many monsters each of them have killed. It was all a friendly competition.

"Hermph." Nerm stated.

Harper laughed, "Jack isn't going to win. Ivor is," She turned to face the fighters, "IVOR BEHIND YOU!" Ivor whipped around and slashed the zombie standing behind him, "Thanks," He mouthed to his wife.

"Hermph!" Nerm grunted. Harper gaped, "I'm not cheating! I'm just helping my husband."

"Isn't anyone going to root for me?" Jess asked the two people arguing above, who didn't hear him. Petra ran past him and killed the skeleton he was walking towards, "I would, but I'm rooting for the real winner :Me."

"That was mine!" He grumbled. Petra smirked and pulled him into a hug, "Sorry about that." She then stabbed Miss Butters into a spider behind him. He turned to see it poof, "That wasn't fair!" He playfully glared at her. She shrugged, "It was a nice distraction, wasn't it?"

She began to run in the other direction, but Jess grabbed onto her elbow, dragging her back, and passed her to slash the skeleton before her, "Get a taste of your own medicine! Another point for me!"

Jack was nearby and heard this. He rolled his eyes, "There go the lovebirds."

Petra smacked him playfully on the back of his head, "Shut it. We aren't even together." She and Jess exchanged a knowing glance, they actually were sort of dating, but it was still a secret. They weren't boyfriend and girlfriend though. And they haven't kissed-with the exception of the crush potion-but aside from that, it was just dating. It was a work in progress...

Ivor approached, standing on top of a rock, "I'd have to agree with Jack on this one," His eyes glimmered with amusement. He flipped off of the rock and landed perfectly on his feet.

"You seriously need to teach me how to do that." Jack said, "I still don't understand how I've traveled the entire world and still don't have ninja skills."

Ivor laughed, "Like I've said before, it took a lot of awkward silences and training to do this." He ran forwards, leapt high into the air, "ADVENTURE!" and smashed a spider under his feet.

"Do you really need to say that all the time?" Petra rolled her eyes. "Yes." Ivor said firmly.

Fear flashed across Jack's face, "Jess! Watch out!" Jess turned to see a creeper lighting up behind him. He began to run...

Faster! He felt as if things were in slow-motion.

It exploded.

Jess flew backwards and his head smashed into a rock. Blood began to drizzle down the back of his head. His eyes were shut.

"Jess!" They all screamed in unison. Jack switched the lever that automatically got rid of the mobs. They ran to him as the monsters disappeared.

Nerm and Harper gasped and climbed down the ladder and sprinted to them.

"Wake up!" Petra knelt down beside him, her heart was pounding in fear as she put a hand over his heart.

Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

"He's alive!" She sighed, yet she still wasn't completely relieved. She carefully lifted his head off of the rock and covered his head that was bleeding more by the second with her hand, "We need to help him!" She bawled. She watched as tears began to fall from her eyes.

"Right!" Ivor said, "This healing potion should keep him alive for now, but he won't be completely healed." He got right to work on Jess.

Come on Jess.. Petra found herself holding her breath, You need to live! You can't die on me!  She gripped Jess' hand tightly, Please...

She has never felt so afraid in her life.

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