Part 2 (Jess)

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Jess stirred, pain throbbed in his head. 

"He's waking up!" A familiar voice called. Petra? He opened his eyes and sure enough, there she was. He was in what looked like someone's living room while lying on the couch.

"Petra!" He sat up quickly and pulled her into a hug and kissed her on the cheek. 

Petra jumped back and slapped him across the face, "Who are you, how do you know my name, and why did you kiss me?" She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously.

"W-what?" Jess blinked and realization hit him, "Oh! Look, I know you don't want people to know our 'dating secret', but everyone still knows we're friends." Jess felt hurt, not just on the cheek that he was slapped, but also in his heart, I thought she liked me, but maybe I was wrong all along. Why is she acting like this? Maybe she's just scared about what happened and doesn't know how to react, right? He tried to reassure himself, but with the death glare from Petra, it wasn't really helping.

"Dating secret?" 

Jess turned to see a familiar friend come into the room.

"Er, Lukas...That wasn't what I meant I swear!" Jess blushed intensely. So much for keeping it a secret. Then again, he's dating my sister, so he wouldn't dare spread the word. 

"I hope not." Lukas stopped in front of him, "It wouldn't be good if my girlfriend was dating someone she just met." Petra slugged Lukas' arm, "You don't worry about that! You're the whole package!" They both laughed.

What kind of sick joke is this? Jess thought. He clenched his fists when Petra kissed Lukas' cheek, "Okay, can you just stop faking this already? I want the real Petra and Lukas back." He bounced off the couch, yelling.

Petra drew Miss Butters, "Stop right there. What do you mean? You are the one who needs to stop faking there's anything going on between us. I don't even know who you are!"

"Relax you two." Lukas put his hand over Petra's and lowered her sword and turned to Jess, "Sit. You need to rest. I think you hit your head or something. Soon you'll remember things right. Do you remember your name?"

Of course I do! Jess sat down slowly, "I'm Jess."

Lukas and Petra glanced at one another with somber gazes. Lukas turned back to Jess, "Okay. At least you can remember a little bit. You've been asleep for a long time!"

I can remember everything thank you very much. Jess thought stubbornly, "How long was I out?" He asked suspiciously. "A month." Petra said.

Jess' brows raised, That long? He ran a hand through his hair as Petra continued, "Lukas and I were on one of our adventures when we heard a scream. We followed where it came from and found you on the ground passed out and bleeding from the head. We took you back here to Aiden's house nurse you back to health."

"Aiden?" Jess jumped, "What? Why am I here?" After what happened at Sky City, Jess still didn't trust Aiden like Jesse and Lukas eventually did, although he had come to Beacontown multiple times since then. 

Aiden came into the room with a smirk on his face. The big smirk that Jess hated. "So sleeping beauty finally awakens."

Jess rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up Aiden. Can't you have some sympathy?"

Aiden laughed and crossed his arms, "Ah, so he's a feisty one. Also, if you don't call housing you in my house for a month sympathy, then I don't know what it'd be."

Petra rolled her eyes, "You only said yes because Jesse wanted you to."

Aiden blushed, "N-no! I just think he'd make a good ocelot!" 

Ocelots? They're the blaze rods now. He noticed that Petra, Lukas, and Aiden were all wearing leather jackets, so he assumed ocelots must be on the back. Wait a second... "Oh no no no Aiden!" He pointed a finger accusingly in Aiden's direction, "Don't even think about making a move on Jesse!" He threatened.

Aiden gritted his teeth and leaned in to whisper in Jess face, "Who says you get to decide for Jesse whether she's with me or not? Just watch me. Don't even think of trying to be her boyfriend."

Jess gagged, "I get to choose because I'm her brother -Jess- so eww. Of course I don't want to be her boyfriend."

Aiden narrowed his eyes at Jess with a confused glance. He gasped and his brows raised, "You're-"

Lukas pulled Aiden away from Jess, "Okay, that's enough of the fierce whisper session."

Aiden mouthed to Jess, "We'll talk about this more later." While looking overly confused.

Jesse came into the room, "He's awake!" A wide smile covered her face. She turned to Aiden and playfully pushed him, "Good thing you listened to me, I told you he wasn't going to die!"

A smile came over Aiden's face as well. He watched Jess out of the corner of his eye, "I just didn't want to get in trouble for someone dying in my house. It would be a tad bit suspicious."

Jesse sat on the couch beside Jess, "How are you feeling?"

"Pretty okay I guess." He said, although pain throbbed in his head.

"Good! Do you remember your name?" She asked.

Lukas, Petra, and Aiden glanced panicked at one another, and Lukas spoke, "He doesn't re-"

"I'm Jess." Jess interrupted. He was confused why the others didn't want Jesse to know. Jesse gasped. She looked dazed for a moment and she looked at him with a sort of recognition. 

"Do you recognize me?" He asked hopefully. Jesse put a hand on her forehead, "I need to go lay down for a while.." She stood up and walked towards the hall. She glanced at Jess one last time with tears in her eyes before disappearing behind the wall. Her footsteps faded away.

Lukas awkwardly ran a hand through his blonde hair, "Okay. I suppose you want an explanation for what just happened..."

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