Part 9 (Axel)

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(In the alternate universe)

Axel heard a strained scream. He turned to see an arrow pointing through Jess' right arm. "Jess!" He ran to his long lost friend, No we can't lose you again! Jess gripped his arm as pain spread through his arm. It began to go numb.

Everyone else surrounded him, "This can't be happening again!" Petra screeched.

"Let's get back. Petra, Olivia, and I will fight the monsters in our path while Axel gently but quickly carries Jess back." Lukas said while taking off his ocelot jacket. He said, "Hold him still."

"Why?" Jess winced. Suspicion was in his voice.

Axel did so, "What are you doing?"

Lukas pulled the blood covered arrow out of Jess. Jess screamed again. Axel tried not to gag at the sight. He then wrapped the ocelot jacket around the wound. "Let's go, and Jess, let him carry you. The last thing we need is for you to run and pump more blood out of your system.


Jesse and Aiden were sitting on the couch in the living room. After coming downstairs, they discovered that Lukas and Petra were gone as well.

Jesse's blinks began to last longer and longer until Aiden was certain she was asleep on his lap. He smiled at her as he stroked her midnight hair. His thoughts began to come in the silence, I hope Jess didn't actually go after Olivia and Axel. It wouldn't be good for me if everyone found out the truth. I just had to say what I had to say... They weren't the only ones who lost in this lie. I lost my friendship with Maya and Gill.. He looked down, All for the girl I am in love with.

He heard the front door swing open. "Get the potions and bandages!" Jesse sat up quickly, half asleep, "What's going on?" Aiden didn't wait for an answer. He sprinted into Lukas' room and retrieved Lukas' medic supplies. Lukas hardly used potions, so that meant something was truly wrong. Aiden ran back into the living room to see Jess lying on the ground. Blood was gushing from his arm, so Aiden was glad he had hard floors and not carpet. "What happened?" He gaped. Jesse was wide awake now, pacing the room muttering.

"A skeleton shot him with an arrow when we were coming back from their treehouse." Lukas said grabbing the extended supplies.

Aiden looked up to see Olivia and Axel glaring at him. He averted his gaze, Great. They're here.

"Sis." Jess winced as he spoke, "I'll be fine. A bleeding arm won't kill me. I've been through worse. Now.. Let's talk about this frienemy issue. I need something to distract me from the pain throbbing in my arm."

"Just try not to argue." Lukas added.

Everyone stayed silent for a bit until Axel spoke, "Okay.. For starters. Olivia and I never told the nurses to take Jess off of life support. He's our best friend too. We would never want him to die."

"And I'm supposed to believe that when after his death you didn't come visit me? You guys avoided me!" Jesse huffed, "This is the first time we've spoken since then. I might've believed you if  you stayed long enough for my recovery and told me your side of the story. It's a little too late to forgive or believe you now."

Aiden's spirits raised a bit.

Olivia piped in, "We were told that you hated us and never wanted to see us again! We were told that if we came near you, someone would get hurt."

"I never said I didn't want to see you guys. I didn't believe you did it at first, but over time, things have changed." Jesse's eyes stabbed like daggers at them.

"Think of our childhood Jesse!" Axel said, "We were best friends. We lived together and were like siblings! We would never do that to you!"

Olivia nodded, "We've always had each other's backs. You may not remember this, but Aiden used to bully us Jesse! He hated us! After you recovered you became best friends, and now you're an ocelot." She said with slight disgust, eyeing her jacket, "Doesn't that seem a bit weird? Or perhaps suspicious?" She turned to Aiden.

Jesse's eyes widened and she turned to Aiden, "Is that true?"

He gulped, "..Yes," He sighed, "But I've changed!"

"Why did you lie to me?" Jesse asked angrily, "Anything else you want to tell me?"

Axel pointed at Aiden, "It was him who lied to you about us killing Jess, wasn't it?" He looked at Aiden, "Does that mean you killed Jess yourself?"

"Whoa whoa whoa." Aiden lifted his hands in surrender, "I'm no murderer. How low do you think of me?"

"Pretty low. But you feel the same for us, so it doesn't matter." Olivia placed her hands on her hips, "So if you didn't take him off of life support, who did?"

"I don't know!" Aiden yelled, "I assumed it was you guys because you disappeared right after his death!"

"I DON'T FREAKING CARE WHO KILLED ME!" Jess suddenly yelled making everyone jump. He sighed, "Stop pointing fingers. I'm alive now, so it doesn't matter. Just be friends again. That's all I want."

The others shifted awkwardly, and for the first time since their arrival, Petra spoke, "I agree. While on the way back, I realized how great it is to have them back in our lives. I'm not saying they should be ocelots or anything, because I doubt they want that, but let's go back to the good old days. Except this time with Aiden."

Olivia approached Aiden, "Fine. Truce?" She extended her hand.

Aiden blinked and looked down at her hand, She forgives me? Even after spreading that rumor? He said, "Truce." He couldn't help but hug Olivia after the handshake, "Thank you for forgiving me. I'm sorry about the misunderstanding. Maybe next time I shouldn't jump to conclusions."

Axel came next, "You'd better mean this truce." He shook Aiden's hand, who nodded, "Of course I do." 

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