Part 5 (Jesse)

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(Jess' new world)

Jess knocked on Jesse's door. He knew it was hers because it had 'Jesse' on the door in minty green letters. Her favorite color. The door opened to reveal Jesse. Her eyes were red and swollen. When she realized who it was, she averted her gaze, "Hi." She said quietly, "Sorry about earlier."

"No, don't apologize. I understand why you're confused." Jess said. Jesse shot him a puzzled look, and Jess continued, "Let's sit down. This explanation will take a while."

She nodded and they walked to her bed and sat on the edge. I should've thought this through.. How am I supposed to tell her I'm her brother who she thought was dead for years and I'm magically back? Oh right. This is a dream, so it shouldn't be too weird, but why does it feel so real? "I know this is going to sound crazy, but-"

He saw a flash of pink before being cut off. He was shoved onto his back with a familiar pig nuzzling his face, "RUEBEN!" He returned the affection with his long lost pig by scratching in his favorite spot. Behind the ear. Rueben continued to show his excitement.

Jesse laughed, "I guess Rueben really likes you. How did you know his name and favorite spot anyways?"

Jess wiped a tear. He didn't realize he began to cry from happiness. Now or never. He hugged Rueben and sat up, he continued to stroke the pig as he looked up into his sister's green eyes, "The thing is-I sound insane- but, well I..."

Jesse raised her eyebrows, "Just say it." She was fidgeting with anticipation for him to tell her.

He sighed, "I am... your brother-Jess. I'm back."

Jesse gaped and continued to stare at him. She looked down at Rueben who nodded to confirm what Jess said. "Is this a joke? There's no way! I- I don't know why, but I believe you."

Jess nodded, "It isn't a joke. I'm just as confused as you are, but I do know that I'm back."

Jesse wasn't fully convinced, "What's my favorite food?"

"Fettuccine Alfredo."

"Who are our parents?"

"Jill and Garrett." Jess then added, "But they hated us. They put us up for adoption and we ran away to live with Olivia and Axel."

Jesse gasped, "The only people who I've told that are Olivia and Axel, and we didn't even tell them their names. It really is you!" She covered her mouth. Suddenly, she started bawling and tugged him into a tight hug. Rueben squealed and hopped off Jess' lap. He began to run in circles on the floor.

"So Olivia and Axel didn't tell you that?" She asked one last time.

"No. It really is me."

She sighed, "It wouldn't surprise me."

Jess squinted at her, "What do you mean? They would never tell anyone!" He was shocked that his sister said something like that about their best friends. Jesse grabbed his hand, "Look. There's something I need to tell you." Jess waited for her to continue, "They betrayed us. We aren't friends anymore."

"What? What do you mean? What happened?" So many questions were running through his head. 

"After the wither storm incident, you were in a hospital for a while. Both of us were. Without asking anybody, they told the nurses to take you off of life support. That's when you...died."

Jess shook his head, "And you believe that? They would never do anything like that!"

"It was for the money." Jesse sighed, "I still hate those greedy-"

"I don't believe you. Are they in Boomtown and Redstonia?"

Jesse gave him a confused look, "No. Why would they be there?" She asked. Right. Everything is different, "Where are they then?"

"I don't know. I don't care about what they do with their lives."

Jess stood up. He was mad at his sister-no- he was mad at this screwed up world. He just wanted to go back home. Home. That word had never sounded so amazing. He clenched his fists, "I'm going to get to the bottom of this." He turned and walked to the door.

"Jess, wait! I don't want you to leave! I just got you back." She grabbed his arm. He turned around, "I'm going to find Axel and Olivia. If you want to come, then come. If you are going to try to stop me, it won't work."

"No. Please don't.." 

But Jess was already out of the door.

Jesse's legs suddenly felt like jelly. She slumped to the floor helplessly. He was gone again.

"Are you okay?"

She looked up to see Aiden standing in her doorway with a concerned look. Her gaze went back to the floor, "Not really. It's just that... He's finally back. Now I don't know what to do. He wants to go visit Axel and Olivia." She twiddled her thumbs. Aiden sat on the floor beside her, "He'll realize soon enough that nothing is the way it used to be."

"I hope so. I finally got him back, and he left just like that. What if he sides with them?"

Aiden wrapped his arm around Jesse and rubbed her arm, "He won't. He's just a little confused right now. Soon it'll all sink in and he'll be back." He paused before saying, "He's back for a reason. I don't know how, but  with his arrogance, he's going to try to fix all these issues."

"But I'm good with the way things are." Jesse sniffed and leaned on Aiden's shoulder, "Having you, Petra, Lukas, and my brother again, is enough. I don't need those dishonest murderers back in my life."

But she didn't know the truth...

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