Part 20 (Jesse)

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Jesse and Lukas were out on a date. It was different from the rest of the dates they'd been on. This time, they were at the park having a picnic of all sorts of homemade food from the both of them. The food was amazing!

Jesse was wearing a beach dress that was red with frilly short sleeves and down to her knees and a sideways dutch braid and bun. Lukas was wearing a tuxedo with a green tie. Although this was one of their many dates, Lukas seemed a little... off. I hope he's okay. Sudden realization hit her hard, What if he's trying to think of a nice way to dump me? He looks really nervous and scared. That just proves to my point even more! Panic started to overcome her and her thoughts began to race, I love him so much! I want him to be 'the one'! What if he- 


She looked up and realized that Lukas was staring at her wide eyed and with a concerned look, "Are you okay?" He reached forwards and touched her shoulder.

She blinked a few times and realized her eyes were watering up, You can't just assume this Jesse. Just let him tell you what's on his mind, "Umm, yeah.." She decided to try to figure out what was up with Lukas before her haunting thoughts got the best of her, "What about you? You seem really... confused. Or nervous."

He bit his lip, and stood up, offering her a smile, "I'll tell you on the boat."

"Boat?" Jesse echoed. Lukas nodded, and grabbed her hands to help her up. They held hands on the walk and Jesse noticed that his hands were sweatier than usual. She decided not to say anything about it.

"Jesse, I love you." Lukas suddenly said and turned to look at her.

She noticed that he said it more serious than usual, "I love you too, Lukas."

Soon, they reached the boat. It was long and narrow, just the right size for the two of them to sit in together. Lukas set one foot in the boat to try and keep it steady and one on the land. He then helped Jesse get on the boat before getting himself on.

Then they grabbed the paddles and went out into the middle of the lake. He sighed and looked up at Jesse.

"You are the most life-changing, amazing, beautiful, strong, and a million other words that I've known in my entire lifetime. You can change the darkness to light, sadness to joy, and even loneliness to love. From the moment I met you, I knew there was something special about you. And when you said yes to that first date, I felt like the luckiest man alive. You are the inspiration behind all of my stories, the reason I look forward to every single day, and most importantly, the girl of my dreams." He moved from his sitting position to getting down on one knee, "Jesse Fern Taber," He said slowly, "Will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?" He lifted up a gold ring with a diamond in the center.

Jesse gasped and covered her mouth with both hands. This was not what she was expecting, but marrying Lukas was still what she wanted. More than anything else in this world as a matter of fact.

Suddenly, the boat shook. Lukas fell to the side and the ring fell into the lake, Her heart skipped a beat, "Oh no!" Jesse gasped. She reached into the water to retrieve the ring. She wanted their engagement to be official. "Wha-how do we-how could-" She looked back over at Lukas who was grinning with an amused look on his face. He was still on one knee and this time, with... a new ring? Was that a prank?

This ring was silver and had a saphire and emerald side by side in the center. Just like their eyes.

Jesse quickly exclaimed, "Yes! Yes, Lukas! Of course I will marry you!" His smile widened even more (which didn't seem possible) and he slipped the ring onto her left ring finger.

She squealed as Lukas stood up and she leapt into his open arms. He laughed, "Whoa, careful. We might fall in the water with the fake ring!" He joked.

(Also, a special thanks to my uncle for inspiring me with this! This is literally how he proposed to who is now his wife. Isn't it so romantic?!?!?! Ugh, now I'm fangirling!!!)

She squeezed him even tighter, practically suffocating him, "I don't mind that happening. Just as long as we fall together."

Okay! Third MCSM book completed!!! What a great ending! Anyways, I love you guys so much! Thank you for all of your support, votes, comments, and views. You all are SO amazing! 

My next MCSM book will come out soon. It's about the EX-enemies of the order of the stone rescuing the order of the stone. How ironic? Anyways, once again, I love you and I'll see you in the next book! I hope you enjoyed it!

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