Part 17 (Lukas)

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(In real world)

Lukas was attempting to talk to Jesse about what Ivor told him a few minutes ago, but Lukas just couldn't move from his spot for some reason. It was a good thing to tell Jesse, but what if Ivor was wrong? Would Jesse ever love him again?

Lukas glanced back at Jesse for the millionth time. He wished nothing more than for him to be able to heal Jess, to have one of his best friends back and so that he could see the love of his life smile once again. It felt like it'd been forever since a smile spread across Jesse's face.

He sighed and stood up. He had to talk to her. He approached her and put a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him and he looked outside. She nodded and followed after him. Lukas' heart tugged at him when he saw her red eyes and heartbroken face.

They stepped outside and the sun's warmth spread across their skin. It was a relaxing feeling they hadn't felt for a while. It'd been raining or cloudy the past few days. And finally, the clouds began to depart.

They stood side by side grabbing onto the balcony rails. Lukas put his right hand over Jesse's left, "I have some good news."

Jesse looked up at him quickly. Lukas smiled before continuing, "Ivor said that Jess will recover soon."

An excited squeal exited Jesse's mouth. She jumped up and down and then squeezed Lukas tight in a hug. Seeing her happy was something he'd wanted to see for the past four months.

"How soon?" She asked, voice muffled through his shirt.

"Within the next few weeks. He just wants us to know, so please don't tell anyone else."

She squeezed him tighter and now crying. This time, they were happy tears. Suddenly, she loosened her grip and looked up at him, "Not even Petra?"

He shook his head sadly. She nodded in understanding. "Alright. I won't tell a soul." She then said, "Thanks for telling me Lukas."

He smiled, "Anything to make you happy."

She laughed and said, "It worked. I love you Lukas."

"I love you too Jesse. More than words can say." He wrapped his arms around her waist and they had a long, relieved kiss.

"And that was the moment they realized they were in love."

Lukas and Jesse parted and looked down the balcony to see a familiar new friend, EX enemy leaning against a tree, grinning.

"Aiden?" Lukas gaped, "What are you doing here?"

He started his way up the ladder, "I just wanted to visit you guys I guess. Is there something wrong with that?" He joked.

Jesse shook her head, "Of course not!"

Once he got to the top he asked, "But seriously. How long have you been together?"

They glanced at each other and said in unison, "About two years now."

Aiden raised his brows, "Wow! How did I not notice that?"

"JESSE! LUKAS!" Harper swung the door open. The three outside jumped.

She was smiling widely, "HE'S WAKING UP!"

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