Part 12 (Jesse)

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(Still in other world)

A scream filled the air. Alarmed, Jesse sat straight up in her bed, Rueben oinked. She turned to her head to the right to see her brother thrashing side-to-side. "Jess, what's wrong?" He didn't respond. He moved around quickly, fear had taken control of him really fast.

She grabbed onto his shoulders and shook him violently. He was covered in sweat, "Jess! Wake up!"

He thrashed some more, and then his eyelids opened revealing half confused, and half scared green eyes. He sighed as he realized he was awake. His muscles relaxed and he sat up, running a hand through his hair. He seemed very distant. Rueben gave him a sympathetic look and tiled his little head.

"Is everything okay in there?" Olivia called out.

"I think so." Jesse said slowly, "Jess had a nightmare."

"Can we come in?" Lukas asked. Jess suddenly snapped out of his daze, "No-I meant, I-I'm fine. Sorry to wake you guys. Just go ahead and go back to sleep."

"Are you sure? You don't sound so sure of that." Aiden teased, "Especially with that scream. You sounded li-oomph!" Someone must've elbowed him to shut him up. "I agree with the first part of what Aiden said. Do you want to talk about it?" Petra asked.

"I'm sure I'm fine. Thank you though. I just need a second to talk to my sister." Jess insisted.

They heard murmurs and fading of footsteps. Jesse turned expectantly to her brother. After a minute or two of silence, he looked up at her. "You're still good at interpreting stuff, right? Like, hidden meanings?"

She nodded, confused. He sighed, "Okay, good. Can you help me figure out what my nightmare meant?"

"Of course I can." She tried to make eye contact with him, but once again, his gaze drifted. Whatever he was going to say was obviously confusing him beyond measure. Rueben sat on Jess' lap to try to comfort him. Jess stroked the top of Rueben's head. Jesse leaned in to give him the clue that he should continue.

He looked up at her, "I was in a dark creepy forest...." (He told her the whole nightmare, but I bet none of y'all want to read it all over again so... skip to when he finished.)

Jesse nodded slowly with her eyes narrowed in thought as she took it all in. "I think that the missing piece could be a person.. I mean, you reunited us with Axel and Olivia, and right after you did that, your mind is telling you you need the final piece. But with two other people added, our friendship is the same way it used to be. There was nobody else, right? Or is there someone I don't remember?"

"That would make sense! Close friends.." Jess recalled back to the real world, "Nell? No. Stella? Definitely not. Gill and Maya? No.." He continued to ramble names, most of them, Jesse had no idea who he was talking about.

"Gill and Maya left a long time ago." But he didn't seem to hear her.

"Harper? N- IVOR!" His eyes widened with excitement, "I can't believe I didn't think of him first!"

"Ivor? As in the guy who created the wither storm? We were friends with him?" Jesse looked lost.

Jess shook his head, "Not were. Are. He's changed."

Jesse looked at her brother as if he was insane, "What in the world are you talking about? Do you mean changed from bad to worse? Because that's all he's done."

It's time to tell her. Jess thought, She deserves to know the truth. "Jesse. I need to tell you something."

She tilted her head at him, "Go on."

"I-I'm not the Jess you think I am.. Yes, I am your brother and have the same backstory, but after the wither storm, my life has gone in a whole other direction."

"You think? You've been dead for the past few years!"

"No-not like that." Jess shook his head, "You'll probably think I'm crazy for what I'm about to say. Just like everyone else has, but I promise it is the 100% truth."

Jesse watched him warily, "I already think that for what you just said about Ivor. So just go for it." Her heart was pounding. He'd better not be leaving again. Maybe he was just hiding from them. But she remembered watching him.. poof.. Wait. Isn't Ivor some sort of  alchemist or potion expert or something? Perhaps he brought Jess back to life! Sudden appreciation for the guy she despised for so many years came in a big wave.

"I am from another dimension."

Jesse gaped. Well, that wasn't what I expected. That thought she just had left as fast as it came. But, as ironic that sentence sounded, it seemed to make sense somehow. "Is that why you were so determined to be friends Olivia and Axel again? And why you kissed Petra? And why you seemed to hate Aiden?"

Jess nodded, "It's also why I'm going to get Ivor as well." He stood up, picking Rueben up with him. Jesse grabbed his arm, "Okay. Here's where your other life can't be fixed here. Remember that this guy murdered you and gave me a concussion. Don't even get me started on some of the other people-"

"He didn't think it was going to get that bad." Jess said defiantly, "Now I know what the last piece is. He's all I need to go home." He bit his tongue when he said the last sentence.

"Home? I thought you just got home. I thought you wanted to be with us again!" Tears filled her eyes, causing Jess to feel guilty, "It's all about you isn't it?" She scoffed, "And just when I thought you'd be with me again. Do you know how your death effected me? You can't just come here and leave just when I finally feel like my life is perfect!" Jesse stomped towards the door.

Jess set Rueben on the bed; then, he rushed to stand in front of his sister, "No. That's not what's going on." He said. She rolled her eyes. Tears were now streaming down her face. She tried to walk past Jess, but he grabbed her shoulders and twisted her so that she was facing him, "I am trying to help you. The other Jesse in my world is feeling the way you felt when I died here." His head began to ache from all of the guilt he was feeling, "I'm not used to this place, but I feel like I can fix it. Help to make up for when I'm gone again."

Jesse wiped a tear, "Nobody can replace you. Changing all of our lives won't help out with that either." She said firmly, "Can't you just accept that maybe you were meant to be here? What if your other life was just your imagination? I mean, this stuff with Ivor is just-"

"It isn't!" Jess interrupted. Jesse jumped in shock. He closed his eyes for a moment to calm himself, "I need you to trust me. Please. I know you are concerned for me, but I know what I need to do."

She looked away, "Just leave me before I change my mind." More tears.

"I won't until you understand." He said firmly. "You are my best friend, and always have been. My dimension or not, you are still the same Jesse that I've protected and loved my entire life. I can't leave you on a bad note like this. I want you to know that I will always be with you." He put a hand over his heart, "Here."

She looked up at him. The left side of her mouth curled up, forming her dimple and a small smile, "Fine. You just have to always remember me too. You're lucky I love you enough to let you go twice."

He smiled, "Thank you so much for understanding! And every time you're with Axel, Olivia, and soon Ivor, remember that I did this for both of us. Trust me. These friends are the best friends you could've ever had. Excluding Aiden." He winked at her.

She laughed and slugged his arm, "Alright. I'll remember that. Just don't go without me. If Ivor does anything sketchy, then we are leaving and you're going to be with us. Deal?"

He rolled his eyes. He knew that he'd be able to get to the bitter old man somehow. Maybe by telling him he'd introduce him to his future wife.. "Fine." They shook hands.

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