Part 15 (Petra and Ivor)

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(Back to the alternate universe) P.S. The focus will shift between Petra and Ivor a couple of times, so that you can tell how both of them feel or view the situation.


They continued to wonder around the temple that Jess was certain Ivor was in. From the looks of it he wasn't, but Petra knew he was in there somewhere. They had been looking for a while, but didn't give up the search.

Her narrowed eyes surveyed her surroundings. Aha! That cabinet! The last place we'd be expected to look. She crept towards it. It was the least obvious place, but large enough to fit into. She stopped in front of it and motioned to Lukas who was nearby to come. He nodded and crept over as well. Petra turned back to it, grabbed the small handle, and yanked it open.

"Aahh!" A thin, pale, older man with a green robe, a long black hair and beard shrunk back. He definitely didn't look like he was ready for visitors. His hair was in all directions and his robe had stains, not to mention the lines under his eyes.. His eyes widened when he saw Petra and Lukas.

Lukas gaped. Ivor had aged so much just over the past few years.

"We found him!" Petra called out making Ivor jump again.

Lukas knelt on the ground to get a better look at Ivor. Ivor just glared in return. He was caught anyways, so why should he care what these people think about him? Nevertheless, he still looked slightly embarrassed. 

Lukas smiled and extended his hand for Ivor to take. Ivor scoffed and pushed Lukas' hand away. Instead, he awkwardly crawled out from his hiding spot as four other people surrounded. 


He looked up at one of the girls. She had the same midnight hair and green eyes that he'd recognize anywhere. She was the girl's life he changed forever. The pig he heard earlier was grasped tightly in her arms as she stared into Ivor's eyes.

Ivor took a step backward to run, but the redhead who found him grabbed onto his arm, "Not so fast Ivor."

He was still focused on the other girl, and he averted his gaze from.. Jesse. Tears of guilt welled up in his eyes.

"He sure looks scrawnier than the last time I saw him." A really big guy with black hair and a unibrow.

"Ivor. We aren't going to hurt you. You don't need to be afraid of us." A dark-skinned girl wearing red offered him a smile.

Ivor was shaking now. Sure they won't hurt me. Here's the girl that I injured and murdered her brother. This must be some joke. To make him feel safe, and then kill him or throw him in prison. Both sounded better than being stuck here in front of Jesse.

"Olivia can't promise for me, so don't get any ideas." The redhead narrowed her eyes at him.

Olivia. The name. It was in the newspaper. These were Jess and Jesse's friends from the incident. He looked around at the others. 

He gasped.

Jess. Could it be him? No, he was dead. But this man looked exactly like him. It shocked Ivor with the resemblance. Maybe he's another sibling, or cousin or something.

"Ivor." The guy identical to Jess spoke, "Are you alright?"

Ivor noticed that tears were now dropping from his eyes. He hardly heard Jess over the shock that was consuming his body.

"Is he going to be okay?" The blonde guy asked warily.

Jess-wait. The guy like him-stepped closer. "Ivor. I need you to listen to me."

Ivor finally found a word. It was the only one he could say, "J-J-Jess?"

They all glanced at one another. The guy turned back to him, "Yes. That's me."

Ivor's knees became weak and he dropped to his knees. Once again speechless.

Jess spoke again, "I know it seems impossible, but it really is me." He lifted up the newspaper, "I know that you feel bad about what happened, and I know your side of the story. I know that you never meant for it to happen. What was supposed to be a simple startle completely changed your life forever."

He took the words right out of Ivor's mouth. That was truly how he felt as a summary.

"I wanted to let you know that.." Jess handed Ivor the newspaper. "I forgive you."

Ivor gaped once again. Those three words sent shivers down Ivor's spine. He wanted to hear those words for years, but never expected it to happen. Especially from himself.

"Is he going to say anything?" The redhead asked impatiently.

Jesse found her cue. She set Rueben down and stepped beside her brother and extended her hand to Ivor. Ivor blinked a few times and took it. Jesse wiped the tears off of his face, "I do too."


Jess grabbed Ivor and pulled him and Jesse into a tight group hug. By now, all three of them along with Olivia and Lukas were crying. She elbowed Lukas, "Toughen up." She teased. He looked up at her, "How is this not affecting you? This is so heart-gripping." Rueben oinked in agreement.

Olivia approached as well, "I agree." Aiden scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Axel came, "I'd have to agree with Petra. I mean, I kinda understand why the three of them are crying," He motioned to the three in the hug, "But, you guys too?"

"You can't blame me. I cried watching a dog reunite with his owner." Lukas sniffed. Aiden laughed, "I am a witness to that. I remember when that happened."

Axel and Petra's brows raised before Axel asked, "Petra, I still don't understand how you are with him." He tilted his head. Olivia and Lukas were now conversing quietly. Petra smiled, "I don't either. But I just know that I love him for who he is, no matter how emotional or dorky." She turned to Axel, "And you can't say much yourself."

"True. But I totally agree with you. I love Olivia for who she is." Axel laughed. Aiden nodded, "I never knew what love really meant until I met Jesse. She has so much to give, and doesn't hesitate to do so." The others nodded in agreement.

"Okay!" Jess called out. "Here's the plan. We're going to disguise Ivor and get him to Aiden's house."

"Who said I agreed to this?" Aiden asked. The twins death glared him. Aiden laughed nervously, "J-just kidding Ivor. You're welcome to come over to my house anytime you want."

Jess continued, "And we will not tell anyone that he is here. Got it?" Everyone slowly nodded. Olivia suddenly jumped up, "Can I disguise him?"

Jess nodded and Ivor gulped.

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