Part 19 (Petra and Jess)

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(The rest of the story is in the real world)


Petra had just woken up to hear lots of commotion. It was very odd since everyone was quiet through this whole time, in and out for them over the months. But Petra, Jesse, and Ivor were here almost 24/7 over that entire time. Petra blinked her tiredness away, "What's going on?"

Jack turned to her, "Ivor says that Jess' body is going to wake up really soon! He's recovering faster than expected!"

A wide smile came over Petra's face. Everyone in the room had one as well. Something they hadn't done in quite a while. Petra stood up and hugged all of her friends, He's really going to be okay! I was scared I'd never see his deep green eyes, hear his dorky humor, or feel his suffocating hugs again!

Ivor looked at Jess, "Any time now Jess. You're ready for this."

Everyone turned expectantly towards Jess.

Come on Jess... Petra watched Jess as she took her seat once again.

Seconds felt like hours...

Dragging on..

Waiting for the moment he woke up...

Lukas, Jesse, and Aiden entered. But Petra was too focused to notice. Come on..

His exhausted eyes flickered open. Petra didn't realize that tears were streaming from her eyes.

His eyes met hers, "I always knew you were a big ol' softy." He croaked.

She laughed and put a shaky hand over his cheek

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She laughed and put a shaky hand over his cheek. She sighed, "You know what. I don't care anymore."

Jess looked lost, "About what?"

"Them not knowing." She quickly leaned forwards and kissed Jess more passionately than she ever had before.

Everyone whooped and hollered. Jack laughed, "I told you guys they were together!"

Everyone began to hug one another and cry... this time of joy.

Once they parted, Jess hugged everyone else, starting with his sister. He just had them come to him. He did not want to get up yet.

Then his gaze met.. "Aiden?" Jess gaped, "What are you doing here?"

Aiden itched the back of his neck, "Well. I just came for a visit and found out about what was going on. Luckily, you were better by the time I got back. Sorry if you don't want to see me, I'll leave if-"

Jess laughed, "No, Aiden. I'm cool with you. Stay as long as you'd like."

Everyone gaped at Jess. What happened while he was in his coma? He used to hate Aiden!


(This is a sneak peek for my next chapter. And Lukesse fans, YOU WILL WANT TO READ IT!)


Jess had recovered a few months ago. He was really glad to be back home, but in some weird way, he missed their doppelgangers from the other dimension. He was also glad that Petra finally decided to tell-well show- everyone their secret. Ever since then they were together way more often and closer. 

He had no idea that he was gone for four whole months. It felt like (And was) just a few days in the other dimension. There was one thing for sure that he was glad about... Petra was his girl. Not Lukas'. The thought still threw him off.


He turned to see the guy he was just thinking of, "Hey Lukas. What's up?"

Lukas looked really... nervous. Too nervous. Jess raised his brows, "Is something wrong?"

Lukas jumped and laughed nervously, "Wha-no. I-I just.."

"Spit it out." Jess tapped his foot impatiently.

Lukas sighed and shocked Jess with the sudden look of confidence in his face, "I want to ask your permission on something.."

Jess was intrigued, "Go on."

What do you think Lukas is asking? I bet it's pretty obvious, but oh well. Anyways, one more chapter to go!!! It'll take place about two days after this last section of this chapter. I also want to let you guys know that I love you all so much! Thank you so much for your support, votes, and opinions!!!

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