Part 4 (Jesse)

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(Real world) 

Jesse, Lukas, and Axel were sitting on Lukas' couch playing a game of Uno. Axel was visiting for a week, taking a break from Boomtown.

"I won!" Jesse grinned setting her last card on the pile. Lukas and Axel groaned in unison, "No fair!" Lukas looked at his single card, "I had one left."

Axel huffed, "At least you don't have half the deck in your hand." He revealed his stack of Uno cards. The others laughed and Jesse said, "Well maybe you should've been more prepared with draw twos."

"It's not my fault Lukas sucks at shuffling."

"Hey!" Lukas laughed. (Who else can relate to Axel? Lol, I can.)

They heard a knock at the door and Lukas stood up to answer it. Ivor and Jack were behind it. Sweaty and panicked, "LOUIS!" Ivor grabbed Lukas by the shoulders, "Is Jesse with you?"

Lukas regained his balance, "Yes. Wha-"

"DON'T ASK, JUST COME, ALL OF YOU!" Ivor yelled. Jack nodded, still catching his breath, "HURRY!"

Something was incredibly wrong. The feeling was almost tangible. Jesse and Axel hopped off the couch and ran after Ivor and Jack. Lukas locked the door and sprinted after them.


Ivor and Jack took them to Ivor's base. Avoiding the pouring lava feet from them, they climbed the ladder up. They could hear sobbing. "Is that Petra?" Axel asked, but he couldn't believe it. Jack nodded. "Can you just tell me what's going on?" Jesse asked loudly. Ivor sighed, "I hate to tell you this, but there was an accident."

The three friends glanced at one another, confused and scared for the next words. Jack put a hand on Ivor's shoulder and whispered, "I'll tell them." He faced the others, "A creeper snuck up behind Jess, and exploded. He flew back from the explosion and smashed his head on a rock."

Jesse's heart dropped to the floor and she didn't wait to hear any more. She just hoped her brother was alive. She pushed Ivor and Jack out of the way and swung the door open, "JESS!"

The room went dead silent. Harper and Nerm were sitting on chairs beside a bed with red eyes... No. Jesse thought panicked, she looked up to see Petra sitting on the side of the bed, both her hands wrapped around Jess' with the same somber gaze... No. Her eyes followed Jess' arm up to his head. The left half of it was wrapped in a badage


He was still, and pale. NO. He can't be dead...

"Jesse." Harper whispered, "I'm so sorry this happened."

The world spun, No. He can't be...

"Jesse." Ivor came to her side, "I know how this looks, but he's still alive. We can still save him!"

Jesse sighed. He's alive at least. She rushed to his bedside, tears flowing like a waterfall. She grabbed his other hand gently as if the touch might break it, "Jess.." She cried. Axel and Lukas stood by the door, still processing it all.

"You're strong Jess. I know you can make it." She cried. With the condition he seemed to be in, she wasn't sure she believed her own words, "Please, just do that for me."

She felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Lukas. He had tears of his own. She set Jess' hand down and wrapped her arms tightly around her best friend, "Why? Why Jess? Why does everything happen to us?"

 She set Jess' hand down and wrapped her arms tightly around her best friend, "Why? Why Jess? Why does everything happen to us?"

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He wrapped his arms around her as well, "I don't know. But one thing I do know is, you and Jess are two of the strongest people I know. He will make it through this. As will you."

Jesse sniffed, she didn't quite believe Lukas' words, but kept her mouth shut so she could process it all.


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