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Thank you AceOfHearts666!

Just a warning, this whole chapter will have blood and mentions of death throughout it, if you do not feel comfortable reading about that, please skip to the end of the chapter where I will provide a summary. Thanks! 😘

Adriens Point of View

"Chat....." I turned my head to the sound of the voice.

It was Marinette. Blood was coming out fast from her neck and a bloody knife was in her hand. I rushed towards her and caught her just as she collapsed.

"No no no, hang on, Marinette, your going to be okay..." I started, putting my hands on her cheeks, not caring about the blood that got on my suit. "Help! Somebody help!" I called out, her parents coming up to see their daughter bleeding out on her bedroom floor. Her father rushed downstairs to probably call the emergency services while her mother collapsed on the floor in tears. I barely noticed, only taking interest in the girl who lay in my arms. "No, no, no, please no..."

"Ch-Chat..... help...... p-p-please......" her voice came out shakily, then everything stopped. My mind, my movement........her breathing.

"NO! MARINETTE, NO!!!" I screamed, holding her head in my hands, my heart breaking to pieces. "NO!!!!"

"NO!!" I shot up in bed, my hands sweaty and my heart beating uncontrollably fast.

"It... it was only a dream..." I still felt my heart pounding in my chest. "still, I-I better go check up on her," I got out of bed, transformed, and shot out my window.

Please be okay, Marinette.

I stood over the lump under the blanket and breathed a sigh of relief.

She's okay, she's not dead or dying.

My face and hands were still sweaty so I decided to go rinse my face off in the bathroom.

I stumbled around till I found the bathroom door and turned on the faucet. Taking some of the liquid in my gloves hands, I splashed my face with it. Looking up with a dripping face to find a towel, my eyes caught ahold of the mirror. My heart stopped. Blood was coating it in little heart and flower designs. I looked at the counter and saw a bloody kitchen knife next to a ripped photo of Marinette with a line drawn across her neck.

"Chat?" I turned and saw Marinette with her arm caked in blood and her face covered in to too.

"Oh, Marinette,"

Summary: Chat had a bad dream about Marinette went to visit her, saw the mirror and Mari woke up and saw him.

I also want to thank ETAWchannel for the wonderful comment.

RFF: The 'vintage date' on a bottle of wine indicates the year the grapes were picked, not the year of bottling!

I don't know much about wine, but I do enjoy grapes! 🍇

Because I love my dog, I shall put another picture of her.

Because I love my dog, I shall put another picture of her

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Love ya guys! 🦄


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