Hiding It

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Marinettes Point of View

My arms stung as I woke up. I looked down at my blood-soaked bandages. I went to the bathroom and took them off, thankfully, the cuts had stopped bleeding, but you could tell that they were self inflicted.

I decided to change up my look to prevent anyone from seeing the cuts. I choose a long blue sweater and black leggings. I looked in the mirror. It didn't look right so I pulled my pigtails out and pulled my hair into a high ponytail. Looking at the mirror again, I saw that I looked totally different. After a moment of thought, I slipped the knife I had used into a pocket in my sweater.

I pulled out a blue purse I had made and Tikki flew inside it, giving me a worried look.

I walked out of the bakery with my head down and walked to school silently.

"Marinette?" I heard someone call me right in front of the steps leading to school. For once I was early and arrived with everyone else.

I looked over at the voice and saw Adrien coming out of his limo. "What's going on with you?" I gave him a confused look as he walked over to me. "You look different, a good different," He quickly added. "But why, and why do you seem to be avoiding me, Alya, and Nino?"

My mind was going everywhere. How do I tell him that I don't want to be a burden on them? A burden. That's what I was, was being.

I spotted Chloe over on the steps. "Excuse me." I said, walking over to Chloe.

Just as I was behind her and about to tap her shoulder, I stole a quick glance at Adrien. He looked at me as if he was confused, but at the same time, hurt. It made my chest tighten up. I didn't want him like this. I touched Chloe's shoulder and she spun around.

"Oh, Marinette!" She said, using the same mocking sweetness. She slung her arm around my shoulders and turned me so I was in her and Sabrina's little circle. "I'm so glad you're here." She then lowered her voice so no one else could hear us. "But I bet you're friends aren't."

I know. "I just wanted to say thank you."

Chloe's eyes widened in shock, and Sabrina looked scared. "For what?" All sweetness was gone from Chloe's voice.

"For opening my eyes. Meet you at the back of the school after school?" I asked.

Chloe nodded as someone grabbed my upper arm and dragged me a few feet away.

I looked up, it was Adrien, and standing behind him was Alya and Nino. "Marinette, what's going on?" Adrien asked.

"Yeah, you are wearing different clothes, your hair is different, you're early, and YOU'RE HANGING OUT WITH CHLOE!" Alya said.

I decided to play cold and distant so they would hopefully leave me alone. "Why should you care?" I asked them and turned around, heading into school just as the bell rang.

I could tell they were all shocked by the lack of sound coming from behind me. I stole a glance and saw them and half of the school staring at me in shock. Bet they didn't expect that from 'the sweetest most innocent girl in school'. I turned back around and headed in the doors.

A crash sounded in the middle of class and I asked the teacher to go to the bathroom just as Chloe did. She let us. I didn't want Chloe near, I needed to transform.

Not a word was said as we walked into the bathroom. As soon as the door shut, Chloe looked around the bathroom. It was empty. I looked at her, confused. Suddenly, she whirled around and my cheek stung. She slapped me.

"Just doing you a favor." She said. "The red helps make your ugly face more appealing." She then pulled out her phone and left out the door, probably only using the bathroom and akuma attack as an excuse to be on it.

I felt tears make their way down my face. I turned to the mirror and put my hands on the sink, letting my tears fall in it. My head hurt, so I pulled out my ponytail and let my hair fall down my face freely. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the knife. My cheek stung, but my heart hurt more.

(Self harm coming up(in case you forgot(no more reminders)))

I ran the blade shortly down my arm, letting some of the pain out. I quickly grabbed some paper towels and pressed it against my arm to prevent the blood from dripping everywhere.

(Self harm done)

"Marinette?" Tikki said, coming up out of my purse. "You have to stop this." She said.

"You're right." A small smile formed on Tikkis face. "There's an akuma to defeat." I continued. Tikkis smile vanished. "Tikki, spots on!" I transformed into Ladybug and swung out of the school.

"I am Bones, and no one will make fun of me for being skinny again!" The akuma said. This particular one was very scary. It was a walking skeleton with glowing red eyes that threw bones at everyone.

Lucky. I thought. He was skinny, people noticed him, he had a way of dealing with it that wasn't like me. My arms still stung.

"Ladybug, are you alright?" My partner asked. I hadn't realized it, but I was crying.

I realized that I was a disappointment to all of Paris. "I can't do this." I found myself saying.

"What do you mean." I turned my head to see him looking at me, concerned.

"I'll tell you after we defeat the akuma." I said.

-One fight scene later-

"Miraculous Ladybug!"

"Okay, now what did you mean, 'you can't do this anymore.'?" He immediately asked me.

"I mean-"

Sorry to leave ya hanging, but this is long enough already. I've been trying to shorten up my chapters to keep it interesting.

RFF: A group of jellyfish is called a smack.

????????????????????? Where did that come from?! Like, 'Oh I see a group of jellyfish, what to call it, oh I know, let's call it a smack because I'm hungry and 'snack' is offending. Har har har!' ??????? What is wrong with whatever person came up with that?!

Love ya guys! 🦄


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