Chats POV

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Chat Noirs Point of View

"I'm telling you this for your own safety!" I felt my voice raise. "Please, I don't want what happened then to happen again." I remembered the feeling of ultimate horror as I held Marinettes unconscious body, making me shudder.

"No." Her eyes narrowed and she glared at me.

An image of her dying body flashed into my mind again. No, I couldn't ever let that happen. "I'm telling you wether you like it or not, you aren't even a little curious?" If I didn't tell her, she'd make the same mistakes, leading to the same result.

She shrugged her shoulders, which I took as a sign that she did.

"You nearly died in my arms." I felt my eyes fall to the ground. I could still feel her slowing pulse on my arm.

"Go on," Marinette said, making it known that she did want to know how it all happened.

I stole a quick glance at her. Her eyes were wide and filled with curiosity. My eyes fell back to the floor. "We were laying in bed," Well that obviously proves that we weren't in a relationship. Note the sarcasm. "when you were poisoned" I didn't want to scare her by saying who did it, I didn't feel like she could handle it. "and it took me a while to figure it out. You were minutes away from dying."

"Who poisoned me?"

Well, there goes the whole 'not scaring her' deal. "You did." She was going to find out. Might as well have it come from me.

"W-why?" I looked over at her again to see her slightly panicking. Then she did something unexpected. She held out her arm and showed me her many scars from cutting herself. "Did it have to do with these?"

I couldn't bring myself to speak, so I just nodded. I better tell her the whole story to avoid the majority of the questions. "You started cutting yourself a month or so ago. I think it was because your nemesis, Chloe, who doesn't like you, made fun of you and you ended up feeling you were nothing but a burden. But you were not! You weren't and aren't at all, I can't imagine my life without you." I found myself speaking my feelings, so i gave her a quick smile to make it less awkward. She gave a small blush which was adorable. "I came to comfort you and to stop you from hurting yourself for many nights, but you still always did. That night, I guess you were feeling really depressed, so you cut yourself a lot. When I caught you, I cleaned you up and decided to sleep next to you to make sure that you wouldn't continue when I left, but you just poisoned yourself." I felt myself start to cry as i thought back on it. "In some way, I feel responsible for the close end of your life." I stopped talking when I realized that I said that aloud. To Marinette. Which made me feel more upset that she probably found me weak.

I half expected her to deny it, and my heart cracked when she said nothing. After a while, she pushed herself out of my arms, which I noticed had wrapped around her, and sat alone quietly. Looking over I saw that she was crying.

I felt slightly dizzy so I decided to go get some water and grab Marinette a glass too. After all, I probably only got thirsty because I was crying so much, and she was crying the same amount. I headed downstairs, stealing one last peak at Marinette, who was in the same position, probably not even noticing that I had gotten up.

That felt too much like the last chapter, same info with only a small amount of other little details. Next one will be a continuation of Chats POV.

RFF: The most productive day of the workweek is Tuesday.

That makes sense. It's not Monday, but it's not like the middle of the week or that close to the weekend.

Hey, I have a fantastic idea! Why don't we have Monday and Friday off because I feel like people are more productive Tuesday through Thursday and we don't learn that many important things in middle school. Like who the heck needs to know the quadratic formula?! I think schools would help children better by teaching them the basic academics then teaching them how to buy a house and pay taxes and be prepared as an adult instead of teaching us random stuff that we won't even use. Make that stuff part of a class that helps kids go to one specific job that will use what they get taught instead of wasting the children's time with it in a required course when most of them won't even use it!

If you read through that, you are awesome because that was really long. I should probably vent about that stuff somewhere else...

Oh, and if you guys have a better title name, please tell it to me because this one doesn't sound that great. Thanks!

Love ya guys! 🦄


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