The One? [larry fanfiction]

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*(Harry's POV)*

As always i was the nerd of the school. I was always picked on for having a different style than everyone else, they would have toms and i would have hand me down shoes from my dad that were always to big.

I stay after school to study for a chemistry test that was the next day (like i always did). Not to long after i come to start studying i see a slightly older student come in the room. Ive seen him before because he was in my class. If i remember correctly his name was Louis. Louis Tomlinson. He was the "badass" of the school and always seemed to have a tough appearance when he came to school.

I heard him talking to our chemistry teacher Mr.Murry. I think they were talking about extra credit to pull his grade up.. For some reason i watch him take his seat in enjoyment. His eyes were a sparkling ocean blue color, and his hair was feather-like, he is also not as buff as i would have imagined.. (I mean i was more buff than he was times two).

*(Louis POV)*

I walked in the classroom knowing that i will have to do some work to raise my grade up so i can pass the class. Mr.Murry tells me to write a 10 page paper on the reaction to certain chemicals.

As i walk to my seat i see in the corner of my eye another guy staring at me, he seems a little younger than me but i know that he is in my class. "He's the dork of the class", everyone always said that about him but deep down i kind of liked him. Ive always been gay for as long as i could remember but no one else knew about my secret. Ive always liked the "out of placed" people. I have to keep my appearance up to make sure no one knows though.

Without him noticing i get a decent description of him. He has perfect brown curls, emerald green eyes, and a PERFECT BODY! I get the urge to just go over and kiss him but i pulled myself back and kept control (plus i didn't even know if he was gay).

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